This article shows how E-Sign Documents can be tracked once they are sent, and follows on from the article 'Sending an E-Sign Document within the HR Module.
Tracking an E-Sign Document within the HR Module
- Go to HR > Administration > Document Management > E-Sign Documents
Fig.1 - Accessing E-Sign Documents in HR
The Current Documents view will be displayed.
- Find the E-Sign document required and select View
Fig.2 - E-Sign Documents - Current Documents, selecting 'View'
- In the pop-up window that opens, the 'Document History' is shown, and there is also an option to view
Fig.4 - E-Sign Submission Tracking
- As previously mentioned in the Sending an E-Sign Document guidance, if the status is Created then it means the submission has not yet been sent. If the status is Pending then it means DocuSign has received the instruction to send and is currently processing. If the status is Envelope Sent then it means the recipient has received the document, but not yet opened the envelope. The recipient will have received an email that looks like this:
Fig.5 - Example DocuSign Email with E-Sign submission
Please Note: The email subject and content is set at the point of setting up the DocuSign template, found in this guidance
- Once the recipient has opened the document within the DocuSign email, the status in UK HR & Payroll will update to Envelope Delivered, informing the user(s) that the document has been opened and viewed
Fig.6 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Pop-Up Window)
- This will also be updated within the E-Sign Document Current Documents View as well:
Fig.7 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Current Documents View)
- This is the view the recipient will have of the E-Sign document when it has been opened:
Fig.8 - DocuSign envelope Recipients View
- The recipient can then go through the document, review it and make adjustments (where allowed i.e. Read Only/Required settings on data labels) and then eventually sign it or decline to sign it.
Fig.9 - Signed E-Sign Document
- If the recipient is happy with the document and decides to sign it, they will do so and select Finish (above)
Once signed and completed the status in UK HR & Payroll will update to 'Envelope Signed/Completed', informing the user(s) that the document has been signed and completed by the recipient.
Fig.10 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Pop Up Window)
- This will also be updated within the E-Sign Document Current Documents View as well:
Fig.11 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Current Documents View)
- The user can now click View next to the signed / complete submission and select View next to the document in the pop up window:
Fig.12 - View Signed / Complete Document
- This will present the preview of the document again, but this time the completed version with the signature. This will also display any changes made by the recipient on fields that were not read only
Fig.13 - View iframe of the signed / complete Document
- This completes the sending and tracking process, however;
- In the event the recipient is not happy with the document, they have the opportunity to Decline signing it
Fig.14 - Decline to Sign E-Sign Document
- If the recipient does decline to sign, then the status in UK HR & Payroll will update to Envelope Declined, informing the user(s) that the document has been declined by the recipient, to which there is no further action. Any follow up submission will need to be started from scratch
Fig.15 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Pop Up Window)
- This will also be updated within the E-Sign Document Current Documents View as well:
Fig.16 - Updated E-Sign Document Status (Current Documents View)
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