Recipes need to be published to the stock system to allow POS sales to be recognised and the relevant stock to be ‘down dated’.
Once a recipe has been added to site(s), it will be included in the overnight feed to the stock system for any changes that were made to it during the day. If the changes made should occur immediately then follow the same steps outlined below for publishing, as this will update these changes.
- Go to the Recipes tab and Search for the recipe to be published
- Select the recipe and then use the Publish to FnB button
Fig.1 - Selecting Publish to FnB
- Tick boxes against the relevant live recipe set(s) to publish to and select Next
Fig.2 - Selecting recipe sets
The system will display a brief description of the recipe that is to be exported to the stock system.
- Select Next
Fig.3 - Recipe export information
Whilst the next page loads, the system will display the message ‘Syncing to FnB’.
The system then loads the organisation hierarchy, as it is set up in the stock system.
- Expand the organisation hierarchy and select the relevant site(s)
- Alternatively, select Check All to assign the recipe to all sites within the organisation
- Once all required sites are selected, select Step 2
Fig.4 - Expanding hierarchy and selecting sites
The next pop-up window displays the PLU and Price information that was entered when the recipe was created - see Inventory | Restaurants - Recipe and Menu Engineering: Recipes
- Edit the PLU Number and gross selling Price for any unit/site where these figures are different. Please note - The PLU number must be unique to each site
- Use the Update All or Update Unit buttons to apply changes accordingly
- Select Step 3
Fig.5 - Updating PLU Numbers and Prices
'Step 3' shows the sites that the recipe is to be added to.
- If these are correct, select Save
Fig.6 - Sites where recipe is to be added to
Finally, the system displays a confirmation message that the recipe was added successfully to the selected site(s).
Fig.7 - Confirmation of recipe successfully added to site
If a batch item contained within a recipe has not been previously published to stock, the recipe cannot be allocated and the batch must be assigned prior to the recipe. A message will appear to advise of this if it is attempted - see Fig.8.
Fig.8 - Unable to export recipe
If a recipe is published to stock and one of the ingredients within the recipe is not already published to the stock system, the ingredient can be added to site along with the recipe. The system will alert to any missing ingredients at the stage of selecting sites for exporting - see Fig.9

Fig.9 - Alert for missing ingredient(s)
If a batch exists in the stock system but not on the site that the recipe is being added to, it will be added with the option of not produced on site. Should the batch be produced on site, the batch must be added prior to adding the recipe.
Fig.10 - Missing ingredients for a recipe
Once the recipe has been added to site it will then be available to be transferred and will be recognised by the system when any sales of the item are recorded by POS.
Also See - P2P&I - Creating Recipes in RME
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