The Advance Notice of Schedule will help you set a number of days when they can make a shift change without pay penalties. In this article you will see the following:
Set up Advance Notice at Store Level
Require Reasons for Posted Schedule Edits
Schedule Audit Report
Advance Notice thresholds may be set up either in your store, or at the administrative level in the Above Store Console (ASC). This article will show the Store Level; to set up Advance Notice of Schedule from the ASC, please click this link.
Store Level
Your site needs to be configured to edit the Advance Notice of Schedule. Make sure you you reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact Support to enable it.
Once enabled, you will be able to set a threshold for the Advance Notice on changes in the schedule. This will be in the Store Settings Page.
Difference between setting up at the store level vs. ASC Level
If you don't have pay associated with it but want to drive good schedule practice, you could set it at the store level. If there's a pay exception in the Above Store Console, it will override whatever value is there at the store and disable the editing of said value.
You'll need to reach out to your company's administrators to change the value in the ASC.
Require Reasons for Posted Schedule Edit
If you edit a shift from a posted schedule within the Advance Notice threshold. You then will be prompted to select if the change is Voluntary or Involuntary, as well as to add a reason for the change. You will only have to enter the reason one time if they edit the shift multiple times before reposting the schedule.
Schedule Audit Report
When you enter a reason for an edit to a posted schedule, this will write to the Audit Schedule Report, it will include the comments. You will be able to filter the report by edit type and export it to a .csv if needed.
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