This article will cover how employees can: Pick Up, Release and Swap Shifts in HotSchedules. Also covered for the applicable sites is Partial Shift Release.
Picking Up Shifts
- When viewing your schedule, the AVAILABLE PICKUP button will display a badge with the number of shifts you're able to pick up since the last time you viewed the screen (see Fig.1)
- Select it to view how many shifts are available to be picked up for each day of the current week in addition to the following week (see Fig.2)
- To pick up or view the details of the shift(s), simply select the shift for the day you want to pick up. This will reveal the PICKUP REQUEST modal.
Fig.2 - Shifts available for pickup
The modal will list out the available shifts along with their times, who released it, any assigned Location, what Schedule it's assigned, and where you stand in line in terms of how many other employees picked the shift up. Additionally, the modal will inform you of what shifts you're already scheduled around the one you're picking up.
- Once you decide which shift you want, check the box on the left-hand side, then select REQUEST PICKUP
Fig.3 - Pickup Request Modal
Once the request processes, you'll receive a prompt at the top of your screen informing you that a manager now needs to approve the request before the shift is yours.
Fig.4 - Pickup confirmation prompt
Releasing Shifts
- To release a shift, simply select the shift when viewing the My Schedule section of your account, and select RELEASE from the corresponding pop-up
Fig.5 - RELEASE button
- The REQUEST RELEASE modal will then appear. Select a reason for the request from the drop-down, then select REQUEST RELEASE
Fig.6 - Release Request Modal
Once released, you will receive a note at the top of the page informing you that the shift is still your responsibility until another employee picks it up and a manager approves it.
Fig.7 - Release request confirmation
This is very important. Don't assume you don't have to work the shift just because you released it.
- To cancel the request, select the pending shift and select CANCEL RELEASE. For more information, see this article: HS: How to Cancel a Shift Pickup
Fig.8 - CANCEL RELEASE button
Swapping Shifts
- To swap, or trade, your shift with another employee, select the shift from your schedule and select SWAP
Fig.8 - SWAP button
It's important to know that another shift must be available for you to swap with. When you select a shift of your own to swap and there aren't any other shifts on that day for you to swap with, you will have the option to select another day of shifts to trade for.
- The Request Shift Swap modal will display, select the date for the shift to swap with from the drop-down
Fig.9 - Shift Swap modal
Once the date is selected, the modal will display the available shifts you are eligible to swap.
- Select the shift you would like to swap, then select REQUEST SWAP
Fig.10 - Shift Swap modal
Once you request the swap, you will receive a message at the top of the page informing you that your original shift is still your responsibility until the swap is accepted and then approved by a manager.
Fig.11 - Shift Swap request confirmation
Partial Shift Release
If your site is set up to use Partial Shift Releases, you will be able to select a portion of your shift to release.
Fig.12 - Partial Shift release request
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