Manage Employment Rates |
Customer admins are now able to modify employees' rates for those who are salaried or regularly paid |
Release date: December 9th 2024
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer admin? - Yes
- Enable via support ticket? - Yes
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles affected: - Customer Admin
What's Changing?
Customer admins can now easily modify employment rates for salaried or regularly paid employees.
Reason for the Change
This functionality will allow salaried & regularly paid employees (where employment data is available to Fuego) to take advantage of the Fuego On-demand pay program - Earned Wage Access.
Customers Affected
All customers within Fuego who support On-Demand Pay for salaried/regularly paid restaurant/location employees.
Release Note Info/Steps
To edit the rates, the organization must be configured to support Salaried and Regularly paid employees. If this is not enabled, please contact your nominated Fourth representative.
For a bulk upload of rates against employees, please contact your nominated Fourth representative.
Modifying Rates via the Fuego Admin app
- Use the menu and go to Employees
- Search for and select an Employee
Employee Type Settings
- If not already set, first make sure to change the Employee Type to either Salaried or Regularly Paid and then Save
A warning pop-up will confirm that changes being made will impact the Earned Wage Access offer.
Fig.1 - Warning pop-ups - change to Salaried/Regularly Paid employee types
After a successful save, the following fields can then be changed:
For a Salaried Employee Type:
- Standard Hours Worked - default value of 40h per week
- Annual Pay Rate
or - Hourly Pay Rate
Making a change to either Annual or Hourly Pay Rate will cause the other to be automatically calculated and updated.
The Period Pay Rate value will also recalculate automatically, considering the defined Pay Period for the organization.
Fig.2 - Pay Settings - Salaried employee type
For a Regularly Paid Employee Type:
- Standard Hours Worked - default value of 40h per week
- Hourly Pay Rate
The Period Pay Rate value will also recalculate automatically, considering the defined Pay Period for the organization.
Fig.3 - Pay Settings - Regualary Paid employee type
Please be aware that rates entered manually are used to calculate the Earned Wage access offer which will then be included in the batch file ready for deduction in the employee's paycheck.
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