Enhanced Tip File Import Modal |
- A new option to prevent manually imported tips data from being overwritten by automatic imports - Tips files can now be selected by 'drag and drop' - New ability to download the most recent tips file |
Release date: November 3rd 2023
Enhanced Tip File Import Modal
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles affected: - Customer Admins and Location Manager users with the 'Tips Import' permission
What's Changing?
Enhanced user experience upon manually importing tip files. Functionality is extended with the option to stop the sync of tips per business date and rely on the manually imported data only.
Reason for the Change
To improve the overall user experience and make it more robust and flexible.
Customers Affected
All customers who have access to import tips on the Tip Management page in the Admin application.
Release Note Info/Steps
To import a tips file users should have assigned permission - Manual Tips Import (see recent Administrators Release note).
- Use the side menu and select Tip Management
Your organization name will be displayed at the top of the screen.
- Select the required Location from the drop-down - multiple Locations will be available if you have access to them
- Select Import Tips File (which will appear after selecting the Location)
The new 'Import Tips File' modal will then appear.
- Use the Date picker to select the Business Date you want the tips to be imported for - this should be a date within the open pay period. The default is today's date
Disable Automatic Synching - decide if your tips file should be overwritten by any automatic import on that date
- Synching Enabled - this is the default setting - manually imported tips data will be overwritten by any subsequent automatic tip imports on that date
Synching Disabled - manually imported tips data will not be overwritten by any subsequent automatic tip imports on that date
Regardless of which setting is chosen, a manual import will always overwrite any existing loaded data for that day
- Either drag & drop your tips file or use Browse files to find and select it
To see the most recently imported tips file, select Download Daily File
This can be useful for confirming the file format when creating a new tips file for import. Any changes to the format of the file will result in failed processing
- Finally, with a date and file selected, use the Import button
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