Job Fit Matching allows you to expand your applicant pool and identify who’s great for other roles, even leadership roles, within your organization. Even if the applicant did not apply for another position, you will be able to see a list of all your current jobs and how well that applicant scored for each of those positions based upon their Job Fit scores.
To view assessment results:
- From the Administrator WorkSpace or HOME tab, click Applicants or Candidates depending on where the individual currently falls in your organization.
- Click the individual's name to open their record.
- Click on the Assessments tab.
- Job Fit Scores will display the Job Fit Reports based on the Personality and Cognitive Assessments. You can view the report for the job the individual applied to or for other jobs at your organization.
- The piece of paper icon represents the job applied to. You can click the checkbox "View Only Jobs Applied To" if you want to filter on this job only.
- Jobs with a Discontinue status are automatically filtered from view but can be added by clicking the checkbox "Include Jobs With Discontinue Score" at the top.
- You can view the applicant's assessment report for any job (even if he/she did not apply for that job) by clicking on the Job Name in the list.
- The Interview Questions column allows you to print the interview questions only.
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