What's Changing?
- New functionality that allows users to edit comments that they have made against posts
Release date: 8th June 2021
Reason for the Change?
To improve the user experience when commenting on posts
Customers Affected
All Engage customers who access the main feed.
Editing Comments on Posts
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
Release Note Info/Steps
- To edit a comment, use the 3-dots menu next to it and select Edit - see Fig.1
Fig.1 – Selecting the Edit option against a post comment
- Make the required changes to the comment and select Update
- Using Cancel will return the comment to its previous state
- Comments can be edited multiple times if required
- Users can only edit comments that they have made themselves
Fig.2 – Editing a comment against a post
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