The System is designed to help those in the hospitality industry manage their purchasing, stock control and time.
It is important to use the system when placing orders to suppliers and importantly receiving these deliveries into stock. It is essential that this is completed on a regular basis to ensure an accurate stock holding at each site. Users are responsible for receipting goods into stock and methods will differ slightly based on the configuration of the supplier. Suppliers capable of electronic communication (EDI Supplier) can send EDI messages with further information on the proposed delivery into the system.
The following article outlines the best practice method for receipting goods into stock when only accepting goods received at site level.
Before Receipting a Delivery
- To receive a delivery on the system the order must have been raised on the system, or a manually entered order recorded to generate a pending Goods Received Note (GRN) to reconcile and receive into stock. If the order has not yet been recorded or raised please refer to the ordering documentation.
- Select the Stock Management tab and view the GRN’s on the pending tab to check what deliveries are waiting to be received.
- The document ID, supplier, delivery status, delivery date and cost of the GRN are displayed; a specific GRN may be selected to view the detail if required.
- If an order was electronically raised on the system, and the supplier is an EDI supplier, a pending GRN may have different status’ associated indicating any messages submitted by the supplier relating to the delivery e.g. confirmed– please refer the Appendix of the document for details on all confirmation messages
Fig 1 - Stock Management Tab
Receipting a GRN
Upon receipt of goods, ensure 3 things are checked:
- Quantity - The system needs to match the physical delivery notes/goods delivered – the quantity of goods received into stock must be accurate
- Date - The delivery date is correct
- Reference - The delivery note reference is correct
When receiving goods into the system only the information on the GRN’s is exported. Therefore all information must be correct and up to date to ensure that the invoice and GRN match accordingly (via delivery note reference) and the quantities received are correct so that only relevant credit notes are raised to a supplier.
- Select the Stock Management tab and view the pending GRN’s on the Pending tab.
- Transaction types can be filtered on the screen by using the drop down.
- Specific documents can be searched for using the date filters.
- Any relevant pending transactions can be viewed with the relevant confirmation messages (if applicable).
- Select the appropriate delivery to be received from the pending tab.
- The header details of the delivery are displayed, scroll down the page to view the transactional details.
Fig 2 - Header Details of a Pending GRN
- The actions on the right hand side of the page allow a user to amend the quantities received accordingly; a line can be accepted in full, quantities amended or rejected in full.
Fig 3 - Transaction Details of a Pending GRN
- The ‘tick’ [] icon can be used to accept the quantity of goods received is the same as the ordered quantity.
- The ‘notepad’ [] icon can be used when a line requires editing as the goods delivered do not match the quantity ordered.
- The ‘cross’ [] icon can be used when a line was not received and ‘0’ of these goods were delivered.
- The ‘rollback’ [] icon can be used when an EDI supplier has updated the delivered quantities and the above actions need to be edited.
Fig 4 - Actions Buttons
- When a line is accepted as delivered, by clicking the ‘tick’ symbol, the line colour will change to green to indicate that all goods received were delivered.
Fig 5 - Accepted Line
- When a line quantity received is edited, by clicking the ‘notepad’ symbol, the line colour will change to yellow to indicate that there was a discrepancy between ordered and delivered quantity.
Fig 6 - Edited Line
- When a line is not received and the ‘cross’ is clicked the line colour will change to red to indicate that the goods were not received.
Fig 7 - Removed Line
- Once all amendments have been entered the ‘Accept All Unchanged Lines’ button can be used to indicate that all other lines on the delivery were received as ordered.
Fig 8 - 'Accept All Unchanged Lines' Button
- There is also the option to reject all lines unchanged if the delivery was not received.
- If the supplier is able to send EDI messages the confirmation received will have updated the delivered lines on the pending GRN.
- When the EDI delivery note is sent on the day of delivery this will further update the pending GRN.
- If a delivery has been updated by a confirmation or delivery note message the actions will all be displayed with a ‘roll back’ icon as the supplier has updated the proposed accepted quantity. If a manual amendment to a line is required select the ‘roll back’ icon which will return the status of the line to pending (which will be displayed in blue) and the different actions will then be available.
Fig 9 - Pending GRN Updated by an EDI Document
Fig 10 - Effect of Clicking The 'Rollback' Icon
- Once all quantity information has been updated the transaction header details can be checked and entered on the pending GRN.
Fig 11 - Required Fields
- The date of the delivery must be checked to ensure the inputted date is the date that the goods were received on as this field drives the cost allocation within the stock. If the order was raised on the system the date field will is pre-populated with the delivery date requested when placing the order, however the date must be checked and confirmed.
- The delivery note reference must also be entered, EDI suppliers will submit the delivery note reference when the electronic delivery note is submitted therefore this will be automatically populated, however the reference must be checked
- If the supplier is not EDI enabled, the delivery note reference number must be entered manually.
- In summary the following must check:
- Quantity - Delivered quantity of each product line and amend accordingly
- Date - Delivery note date
- Reference - Delivery note reference
- Once all information has been checked and confirmed the delivery can be approved into stock to now form part of the stock holding at site.
Fig 12 - Approve Button
- Once a delivery has been received and approved the transaction details will be displayed on the approved tab of the stock management page.
Fig 13 - Show the Pending & Approved Tabs
Fig 14 - Approved Tab
- It is imperative that all goods are receipted on the system on the day of delivery to ensure accurate theoretical stock holding at site. If these tasks are left until the end of the week or stock period there is the risk that information is not updated accurately and the stock on hand information generated by the system will not be accurate and up to date. (Please see ordering documentation for information on stock on hand).
Order Confirmation Status Information (EDI Suppliers Only)
- If a supplier has been configured to receive orders via EDI, confirmation messages can be generated and sent to the system to provide more information about the goods expected on the delivery.
Fig 15 - Pending Documents with EDI Status
- There are a number of messages that can be displayed:
- Pending , No message back from supplier (Fax/e-mail suppliers)
- Pending, Confirmed
- Pending, Confirmed with adjustments
- Pending, Rejected
- To view these messages, where appropriate, select the stock management tab > pending > select the appropriate goods received note.
- Confirmation messages provide more information about a delivery after placing an order, they are confirmation that the order has been received and an indication of the goods intended to be supplied.
- Confirmations are not as final as delivery notes; however they provide an initial indication of any potential out of stock items etc.
Fig 16 - Pending GRN
- If a confirmation is yet to be received, or will not be received, the status will remain ‘pending’ and the lines will be highlighted blue.
Fig 17 - GRN with No Confirmation Message
- If a confirmation has been received and all lines have been accepted the status will be ‘pending, confirmed’ and the lines will be highlighted green.
Fig 18 - GRN Confirmed in Full
- If a confirmation has been received and some lines have been adjusted but others accepted the status will be ‘pending, confirmed with adjustments’ and the lines will be highlighted green and orange and red.
- Green – Order is unchanged, full order is expected to be delivered.
- Orange – Adjustment to quantity ordered i.e. product is going to be short delivered. A Line will also be highlighted yellow if an additional product has been added to the GRN by the supplier.
- Red – Product is ‘out of stock’ and cannot be delivered.
- Reason codes will be entered by the supplier to give further information to the adjustment.
Fig 19 - GRN with Accepted, Edited & Rejected Lines
- If a confirmation has been received and the entire order will not be delivered the status will be shown as ‘pending, rejected’ and all lines will be highlighted red to indicate that no products are to be delivered.
Fig 20 - GRN with Rejected Lines
- Suppliers that are capable of electronic communication (EDI Suppliers) can also submit delivery notes (usually on the day of delivery) to further update the system with the quantities of goods that have been dispatched.
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