Par Level Ordering
The System is designed to help those in the hospitality industry manage their purchasing, stock control and time.
Par level ordering is used to ensure that a certain stock level is maintained. When used the system will suggest the quantity that is to be ordered based on the difference between the par set up against that product and the calculated stock on hand.
This document explains how to set up par level ordering.
Setting Up Par Level Ordering
Security Permissions
Fig 1 Modify Product Setting
- Users need to have the relevant security access to modify par levels on a product. The setting that needs to be enabled is ‘Modify Product’.
Warning: Updating this setting will allow users to make certain changes to products on site level. For example making it unavailable for ordering or transferring on that site.
User Settings
Fig 2 Organise Link
- After enabling the relevant user security permission. Users need to modify their personal profile settings.
- Log into Site > Manage Products > Click the Organise Link in the right corner of the screen.
Note: The Organise link can be accessed from any screen that shows products by category. Eg) Ordering or Stock Count by category.
Fig 3 User Settings
- Ensure that the setting Normal or Extended Product View is set to Extended, as in Fig 3 above.
Note: Users will need to log out and back in for the settings to take effect.
Adding a Par Level to Products
Fig 4 Manage Products
- Go to Manage Products and enter a Par Value in the fields as in Fig 4.
Note: Press the ‘Tab’ key on the keyboard to move to the next product, as when doing orders/stock count.
Creating a Par Level Order
Once the par levels have been setup for the products, the next step is to actually place an order.
Fig 5 Action Links
- To do this, follow the path: Stock Management > Par Level Orders. This is found under Actions on the Left of the Page (Fig 5).
- On the next screen select to order by category or supplier.
Fig 6 Par Ordering by Category
- In Fig 6, the option of by Category was chosen. Based on the stock in holdings and quantity on order, the system will calculate what the current order quantity should be.
For example, Beajolais Chatoux 06 has:
Stock on Order: 0
Calculated Quantity: 0
Par Level: 15
Therefore the order quantity should be 15.
- To complete the order, click the Order Complete button. The approval of the order will take place under the Ordering Tab as per normal.
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