This document explains how to enter sales budget percentages to determine how a weekly target is split across a week. This replicates the current functionality available in the rota module.
Percentages can be entered by the customer but alternatively can be completed by the Fourth Data team at a charge.
For a list of all Revenue-Based Scheduling articles, please visit: WFM - Revenue-Based Scheduling: Getting Started
To enter budget percentages by day:
- Go to Scheduling > Settings > Sales Budget Breakdown Percentages (from the left side menu) > Budget Break Down Percentages > Create New
Fig.1 – Budget Breakdown Percentages button
- Find the required Department. This will usually be the location
Fig.2 – Selecting Department
- Enter the desired percentage for each day and Save
Fig.3 – Days of the week for percentages to be entered
This will need to be completed for all locations.
Copying Daily Budget Breakdown Percentages
To help save time, it is possible to copy the breakdown percentages from one department to another.
The user level will need to have two user level permissions assigned to be able to see the Copy Budget Breakdown % page.
- Go to Settings > User Configuration > User Levels > select Edit against the required user level
- Tick the boxes against View and Edit Budget Breakdown Percentages
- Scroll down and Save
Fig.4 - Budget breakdown Percentage User Level Permissions
The Copy Budget Breakdown % page is located in the Budget Breakdown Percentages group settings.
Go to Settings > Sales Budget Breakdown Percentages (from the left side menu) > Copy Budget Breakdown Percentages
Fig.5 - Copy Budget Breakdown % Page
In the Copy from department drop-down, select the Department to copy the budget breakdown % from
In the Copy to departments field, select the departments which the budget breakdown % will be copied to
Multiple departments can be selected. The budget breakdown percentage will remove any existing breakdown percentage configuration and replace it with the percentage values selected in the Copy from department drop-down.
Fig.6 – Copy from/to departments
Select Save
A status message will appear, notifying if the copy has been successful or not.
Fig.7 - Copying budget breakdown % successful message
Flex Labour Budget
Please Note: This setting is intended for System Administrators.
This functionality is switched off by default but can be activated for all customers using Labour Productivity.
Sales Budgets will need to be loaded into Labour Productivity for this functionality to work. This will be configurable by Location.
Applying the Setting
Users with the 'Manage Locations and Departments' user level permission will be able to apply the setting. This permission is intended only for Administrators of the system.
- Log in to Scheduling and go to the Settings tab
- Go to Organisations from the left-side menu and select Edit against the required one
- Tick the box against Flex Budget Enabled, scroll down, and Save
- Then, select a Location from the drop-down at the top of the screen and, still on the Settings tab, select Departments from the left-side menu
- Find the required Department and select Edit next to it
Fig.8 - Selecting Edit against a Department
- Tick the Flex Budget Enabled box
When the box is ticked, two new fields which will display which will need to be configured. The fields are Flex Budget Flex Up% and Flex Budget Flex Down %.
- Flex Budget Up % - the % of the increase of sales vs sales budget added to the wage budget, to calculate the Flex Budget
- Flex Budget Down % - the % of the decrease of sales vs sales budget reduced from wage budget, to calculate the Flex Budget
Fig.9 – Flex Budget configuration fields
Appearance in Scheduling
Fig.10 – Schedule by budget with Flex Budget
Flex Budget is calculated as follows:
If sales are down vs Sales Budget then the percentage from FLEX Down is applied to the variance and taken from the Weekly Wage Budget.
If the actual sales are up vs Sales Budget then the percentage from FLEX Up is applied to the variance and added from the Weekly Wage £ Budget.
Labour Budget %: Wage budget
Actual Wage %: Wage Cost %
Flex Budget: £ & % - If sales are up or down vs sales budget this is the calculation based on the values entered for Flex Down / Flex Up this is the calculation of the Flex Budget £&%
Flex Variance: Wage Cost £ - Flex Budget
Loading HR & Payroll Weekly Sales & Wage Budget Templates
A drop-down menu in the Budget Upload page allows the user to select LP Wage/Sales Budget, UK HR & Payroll Wage Budget Weekly, or UK HR & Payroll Sales Budget Weekly.
Log in to Scheduling
Go to Settings > Uploads > Budget Upload
From the Budget Upload Type drop-down:
Select LP Sales/Wage Budget to upload standard Labour Productivity templates
Select UK HR&Payroll Wage Budget Weekly to upload HR & Payroll weekly wage budget templates
Select UK HR&Payroll Sales Budget Weekly to upload HR & Payroll weekly sales budget templates
Use the Choose File and Upload buttons to select and upload the required template file
Templates are available from Fourth. Please liaise with your Fourth contact for more information.
See WFM Release Note - Labour Productivity: Budget Upload Enhancement for more information.
Fig.11 – Budget Upload Type drop-down in Budget Upload Page
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