There are three recommended options for paying Salaried Furloughed employees:
- Use a calculated payment type to calculate 80% of the full salary
- Replace Employees' full annual salary with one calculated at 80%
- Use a 20% gross deduction
This article will provide guidance on each option.
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Use a Calculated Payment Type
Calculated Payment Types within the Payroll module use a formula to calculate the amount of salary to pay each period. For a monthly payroll, the standard formula is:
Annual Salary x 1 / 12
As long as the formula uses this format, it can be added to the Payment Type.
- To create a new Calculated Payment type, go to Payroll > Administration > Payment types > Add New Calculated Payment Type
- In the Description field, enter a payment name (this will appear on the payslip). Fourth recommends using ‘Furlough Payment’
- Accounting System Code - this will feed into Nominal Ledgers and Super Journal
The payment must be subject to Tax, National Insurance and Pension, therefore, ensure the following aspects are ticked:
- Pensionable
- Qualifying Earnings for Pensions
- Tax
- National Insurance
Fig.1 - Adding a new Calculated Payment Type
The formula for the calculation is set towards the bottom of the page. The example in Fig.2 shows the formula for monthly paid employees.
Fig.2 - Calculated Payment Type Formula
- Once the page has been completed, select Save
The formulas for each pay period are as follows:
- Monthly – Annual salary x 1 / 15
- Four Weekly / Lunar – Annual Salary x 1 / 16.25
- Fortnightly – Annual Salary x 1 / 32.5
- Weekly – Annual Salary x 1 / 65
The Payment Type can be added to furloughed employees and they will receive 80% of their period salary, without having to amend the annual salary amount in their Employment Details page.
Removing and Adding Payment Types
Removing Payment Types
Once the Payment Type has been set up, the Standard Salary Payment Type needs to be removed from the employee record, and a new one created.
This can be done using the Batch Payment Type Management option within the Payroll module.
- Go to Payroll > Pay Run Admin > Batch Payment Type Management
Fig.3 - Batch Payment Type Management
- Select the Company and Pay Basis
From the Payment Type Description drop-down, select the Payment Type to be removed
- To remove the Payment Type from all employee records, select Delete payment type from all employees
- To remove the Payment Type from individual employees, select Search
Fig.4 - Removing a Payment Type
A list of employees with the selected Payment Type assigned will appear.
- Change the Units to zero against employees who are to have the Payment Type removed
Fig.5 - Zero Units for required employees
Select Save (this page only)
The list will refresh and the details of the current Payment Types will show on the screen.
Fig.6 - Updated Current Units Values
Please note: With the Units set to zero, the Payment Type will still remain in the employees' records. This means the payment will not be paid.
Adding Payment Types
To add the new Payment Type to all employees, again go to Payroll > Pay Run Admin > Batch Payment Type Management and select the required Company and Pay Basis
From the Payment Type Description drop-down, select the Payment Type to be added
To add the Payment Type to all employees, select Add payment type to all employees
To add the Payment Type to individual employees, select Search
A list of employees will appear.
- Tick the box under Included to add the payment to that employee
- Leave the Units fields with a 1 in them
Fig.7 - Ticking 'Included' boxes for required employees
Select Save (this page only)
Once saved, the screen will refresh to show the units and amounts that are ready to be paid in the next pay run.
Fig.8 - Updated Units and Amount values
Replace Employees' Full Annual Salary
If you would like to amend an employee’s annual salary within their Employment Details page, this can be amended with an effective date of the change.
The Employee Batch update can also be used to amend salaries for multiple employees.
Choosing a group of employees and the attribute of salary will open the salary field to allow the amendments
Please ensure an effective date is entered.
The following Community article can be referenced - WFM - Using Employee Batch Update
Please be aware that applying a change to the batch update page will only change those employees on the current page.
Move through the pages applying the same change to include everyone.
Note for Wagestream customers - as the Annual Salary field is referenced through the API, we recommend this is the option used for Wagestream customers. Fourth can facilitate a salary upload if required, please speak to your CSM or CCT contact.
Use 20% Gross Deduction
A Salary Payment Type will remain in employee records until it is physically removed. The quickest way to reduce this amount by 20% would be to add in a negative Gross Payment type for the 20% amount.
A new Standard Payment Type can be used for this deduction from pay.
To create a new payment type, go to Payroll > Administration > Payment Types > Add New Payment type
Description – enter a payment name (this will appear on the payslip)
Payment Code – this is used to batch upload payments
Accounting System Code – this will feed into Nominal Ledgers and Super Journal
The payment must be subject to Tax, National Insurance and Pension, therefore, ensure the following aspects are ticked:
Qualifying Earnings for Pensions
National Insurance
Once the page has been completed, select Save
Fig.9 - Creating a new payment type
The payments can be uploaded into the payroll using the standard payment upload process. See WFM - Uploading Payments.
Note: If using the upload process, remember to ensure the ‘value’ is a negative value so that it reduces the employee’s gross pay
Bureau Customers
Bureau customers should contact their payroll specialist for help managing these changes.
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