HMRC Service Launch
HMRC have advised us that their service for employers to apply for grants for furloughed employees will be available on 20th April 2020.
HMRC will be contacting all employers shortly to advise what needs to be done in order to make an application for the grant.
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What Information will be Required?
HMRC have confirmed that businesses will need the following information for each employee they are claiming for:
Employee’s National Insurance Number
Furlough period pay amount
Associated Employer’s National Insurance cost
Associated Minimum Employer’s Auto Enrolment Cost
Businesses will need to have registered for PAYE online to be able to make an application for the grant. To register for PAYE online, please go to
How will Fourth Help?
The Product Team are currently working on an export that will detail the required information for the grant applications.
The release date for this export is not yet confirmed, however, we are working to make it available for when HMRC release their service.
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