Creating a New Employee
- Go to the HR Module
- Select Create New Employee from the Employees drop-down menu
Fig.1 - Create New Employee in Employees Drop-Down
The 'Create New Employee' screen will display.
Fig.2 - Step 1 of Employee Creation
- Populate the information in the fields for the employee
Please Note: The sections in bold are mandatory.
The National Insurance Number can be left blank for 90 days, but an incorrect one will disallow the page to be completed
- Irish PPS numbers can be accepted - please see WFM Release Note - Irish PPS Number for more information
Select the Nationality and Proof of Eligibility for the employee
Fig.3 - Employee Details
Preventing Duplicate Email Addresses being Entered
A Global Setting exists to prevent duplicate ‘personal’ email addresses being entered, either manually or via the API integration.
- Go to HR > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Default Employee Settings
- Tick the box against Prevent Duplicate Personal Email Addresses?
- Select Save to apply the setting

When the setting is turned on:
- If an employee is created manually with a personal email address that already exists then an error message will display
- The error message will state that the Personal Email already exists and list all employees that the email address is associated with
- The user will not be able to continue until the Personal Email Address is changed, or the same address is removed from the existing employees, as per the error message
Creating employees with already existing email addresses through third party ATS systems will also generate the same error, with the same steps required to resolve it.
Bank Details
- Paid by Rota – This indicates whether an employee will be salaried paid or rota paid. If ‘Paid by rota’ is set to no they will be salaried and if it is set to ‘Yes’ they will be shift or hourly paid.
If the Job Title selected is set up to not allow salary pay, for example, a waiter/waitress then this option would not be available. There may also be an option called ‘Include in Rota’ which would become available when the employee is salaried and the job title is set up to give the user an option to include them.
- Set the Employee Status as Full Time, Part-Time or Flexible
Choose the Payment Method for this employee, for example, Cheque or BACS
If Validate Bank Details is visible when selecting BACS, as seen in Fig.4, the bank details have to be inputted in a certain way
Fig.5 - Validating Bank Details
To validate bank details:
Input just the bank name, sort code, account no and account name
Select Validate Bank Details
- Once the bank address has appeared, select Close
Access Level Hierarchy
Access can be assigned. Choose the employee's Access Level and who they should report to
- In the Location Access drop-down menu, the Locations - Own Only option provides access to an employee's own Location or Division.
- Bespoke allows more than one Location or Division to be assigned
- All gives access to all Locations or Divisions, as seen in Fig.5.
Fig.6 - Access Page Within Employee Set Up
If Step 4 appears, enter the Next of Kin details. This is a configurable setting and may not be set up within the portal
If Step 5 appears, the Joining Checklist will display, as seen in Fig.6. Again this is a configurable setting and may not be set up within the portal
New Joining List items and be added or included in HR > Administration > Checklist Maintenance. More information can be found here - WFM Administration Drop-Down - Checklist Maintenance
Fig.7 - Joining Checklist
Things to remember
A user would need the permission ‘Create New Employee’ to do this
If ‘auto attach’ to Payroll setting is turned on in Payroll, the user would need access to at least 1 PAYE company
If an employee has worked for the company before, they would need to be rehired
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