This article explains how to delete a group that is no longer needed within Employee Engage. This process will remove any historic data relating to the group. In future, there will be the ability to make a group ‘Inactive’ without deleting the historic data.
For a list of all available Fourth Engage administration articles, please visit: Fourth Engage - List of Knowledge Articles.
Only users with Administrative access to Salesforce will be able to carry out the steps detailed below.

Fig.1 – Groups Menu Option
It may be sensible to take make a record of the information within the Group before it’s deleted.

Fig.2 – A selected group
This will remove the group from the list of groups and will also prevent any new posts being posted within it.

Fig.3 - Delete group button
This article explains how to delete a group that is no longer needed within Employee Engage. This process will remove any historic data relating to the group. In future, there will be the ability to make a group ‘Inactive’ without deleting the historic data.
For a list of all available Fourth Engage administration articles, please visit: Fourth Engage - List of Knowledge Articles.
Only users with Administrative access to Salesforce will be able to carry out the steps detailed below.
- Select Groups from the menu bar

Fig.1 – Groups Menu Option
- Select the group to delete
It may be sensible to take make a record of the information within the Group before it’s deleted.

Fig.2 – A selected group
- Use the Delete button to remove the group from the app
This will remove the group from the list of groups and will also prevent any new posts being posted within it.

Fig.3 - Delete group button
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