This article provides instructions on downloading and viewing P60 documents from within Fourth's Employee Self Service (ESS) product. ESS can be accessed on a mobile device or on a desktop PC/laptop via a web browser. This article gives instructions for using the mobile version but the steps required are identical. There is also a brief FAQ section at the end.
My Documents in ESS
- From within the Fourth app, select Employee Self Service from the left-side menu
- Select My Documents from the left-side menu
Fig.1 - Selecting My Documents from within ESS- mobile version
- Then select the Important tab
Tax documents will be displayed, listed under the tax year heading that they relate to.
- If no documents appear, use the Filter by date drop-down and select a wider date range
- To view a document, use the download icon on the right side of the screen
Documents are downloaded to mobile devices' internal or cloud storage areas. For desktop users, the documents are stored locally.
Fig.3 - Example P60
It is important that employees download and save their tax documents so that, if they ever leave their current employment, they will have copies of their past payslips and P60s should they require them in the future.
At the bottom of the My Documents screen, there is an information link called What are these documents and why should I save a copy of them? which, once selected will display the following information - see Fig.4.
Fig.4 - Reasons to save tax documents - mobile version
Frequently Asked Questions
What if an employee leaves their employment?
*It is possible to change the duration of leavers' access – contact Fourth for more information
Is it possible for employees to receive their P45 via ESS?
Will downloaded P60 documents be accepted if an employee requires it for mortgage or benefit claims?
Yes, most firms will accept a printout of a P60 form. There may be the occasion, however, when employees are asked for a letter from their employer confirming their employment status.
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