Requests are approved or denied while making that week’s schedule. Time Off, on the other hand, allows for your staff to ask off for specific days, and then have it approved or denied before that particular schedule is posted. This makes it easier for them to make plans in advance.
This article will cover how approving requests can be done through the Time Off Notification, Pending Sub-Tab, and Calendar Sub-Tab. Also covered is Approving Paid Time Off Inquiries.
Time Off Notification
When logging in to HotSchedules, a notification box may appear automatically. If there is a pending time off notification, you can select Employee with a pending time off request to take you to the Manage Time Off page.
Fig.1 - Time Off notification
Pending Sub-Tab
In the Pending sub-tab, you are able to see a list of anyone who has time off inquiries that need a response.
Fig.2 - Pending requests [select image to enlarge]
- Select an employee’s name to bring up the details of the inquiry
- You can then approve or deny the inquiry. Your response will then be relayed to the individual
Fig.3 - Request details & Approval options [select image to enlarge]
Calendar Sub-Tab
The calendar sub-tab shows you to view all pending inquiries in a graphical view.
Pending inquires display first in orange, followed by approved inquiries in blue. In shades of gray, you are also able to see anyone who is not available or partially available. Hovering over an inquiry’s block will bring up its details.
Fig.4 - Calendar tab [select image to enlarge]
- Select the pending request to bring up its approval window
Fig.5 - Approving or Denying Time Off
Approving Paid Time Off Inquiries
Some individuals are allowed paid time off. In these cases:
- In the Type column, select whether this inquiry qualifies for paid time off
- Under the Hours column, add how many hours they will be paid for
- Select the appropriate Job from the drop-down menu at the bottom before approving
Fig.6 - Approving Paid Time Off
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