When attempting to install the HotSchedules Integration Agent on your back office computer, you may encounter the dreaded blue bar with no code:
- First, try refreshing the browser. The code should come up at that point. If not, continue to step 2.
- Open a command window, and have this running as Administrator.
- Enter the command: agent-cli registration and the 6 digit code will populate:
If you do not get the code at this point and see:
- Go to the services and ensure that the below services are running:
- Once these services are running you can try running the below commands:
- agent-cli restart
- agent-cli registration
- You should get the code as seen below:
- If you are still not getting a registration code you can try:
- agent-cli check-connection
- You should see:
- If you do not see all four green checks it's probably a whitelisting issue. You can first try to get out to https://hotschedules.io in a web browser. You should be able ot get a response of ["ping":"true"] (The HS Integration Fact Sheet article has more information about whitelisting requirements.)
- If all four green checks are present you can try:
- agent-cli reset
- agent-cli restart
- agent-cli registration
- If all else fails, our Customer Care team is here to help! Reach out to them at customercare@hotschedules.com and let them know you are having trouble getting your Agent registration code to populate.
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