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Barcode Scanning in Ordering App |
Barcode scanning with a phone or external device is now supported when using the Ordering app with Adaco |
Release date: February 21st 2023
- Enabled by Default? - Yes
- Set up by customer Admin? - No
- Enable via Support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles Affected: - Adaco users of the Ordering app
What's Changing?
The mobile Ordering app now supports barcode scanning, using either the device camera or a connected scanner. Products can be quickly scanned and ordered, and barcodes can be added or updated as required.
Reason for the Change
To allow users to scan and order products seamlessly within the Ordering app.
Customers Affected
Available to all Adaco customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
- In the Ordering app, select a location and Confirm
Fig.1 - Selecting a location
- Select the barcode scan icon from the bottom-right corner
Fig.2- A barcode scan icon
- Select to use either the Device camera or External scanner
The Fourth app will prompt to ask permission to use the device camera
Fig.3 - Options to use device camera or external scanner
Device Camera
- Position the camera so that the product's barcode is lined up inside the onscreen target area
The device will automatically detect and search for the barcode and then display search results onscreen.
- To use the device's front-facing light, use the flash icon on the camera display
- To close the camera use the cross in the top right corner
Fig.4 - Scanning window with flash and close' buttons
External Scanner
- After selecting External scanner, scan a barcode using the connected device
- The barcode number will automatically appear in the search field - see Fig.5
- Then select Search
Fig.5 - Populated barcode search field after external scanning
If External scanner is selected when no external scanner is actually attached, a barcode can be manually entered and searched for.
Fig.6 - Manual barcode search - no external scanner attached
Search Results
Whilst a barcode is linked to a single unit of a product, search results will list all unit types for the product (stock item) scanned.
- From the search results, enter Quantities and Add to Cart as required
Fig.7 - Search results, adding a quantity, adding to order
Any products already in the cart are indicated, as shown in Fig.8.
Fig.8 - [x] number in cart
Assigning and Replacing Barcodes
Barcodes can also be assigned to or replaced for products from the search results. Certain user permissions are required to do this.
If a barcode is scanned but no product is found, a message will display (Fig.9).
- Select Assign Barcode and Search for the product by name
- Select the UoM and then Assign
The selected product will then be assigned to the scanned barcode.
Fig.9 - No search results for barcode, 'Assign Barcode' button
If search results display an incorrect product for a scanned barcode:
- Use the Replace button and search for the product by name
- Select the UoM and then Replace
Fig.10 - Searching for and selecting a replacement product for a barcode
The ability to edit barcodes in the Ordering app is controlled by the 'Property Synchronization' setting for barcodes.
If the setting is Always Sync to CP, barcodes are controlled by the CP and users can’t edit them at Property level. Users will also not be able to “Assign” or “Replace” a barcode in the Ordering app
If the setting is Never Sync to CP, barcodes are controlled by the Property and so users will be able to “Assign” or “Replace” a barcode in the Ordering app
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