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Automated Storeroom Replenishment Orders



  • Kay Capell


    This functionality is controlled via the "par" and "reorder" points within the inventory guides outlined within this article Adaco: Guide Details – Fourth & HotSchedules Customer Success Portal.

    When populated you can then use "Reorder" reports to generate Outlet or Purchase Requisitions from "Reorder reports".  Here are the documentation links for the Purchase Process as an example.

    Adaco: Purchase Reorder Report – Fourth & HotSchedules Customer Success Portal

    Adaco: Creating a Purchase Requisition from a Reorder Report – Fourth & HotSchedules Customer Success Portal

    Please let us know if you have any further questions!


    Kay Capell


  • Chris Webb

    Hi Geoffrey,

    What Kay describes is the process to replenish stock in your warehouse using min and max par levels.  We also have functionality to auto replenish other outlets from your warehouse using the Auto Replenishment functionality which is described in this release note.

    September 5th & 7th 2023, Release Note: Adaco: Auto-Creation of Outlet Requisitions – Fourth & HotSchedules Customer Success Portal

    I believe its the former that you are asking about but thought I'd mention the latter just in case 


  • Geoffrey Sagrans

    Thank you Kay and Chris.  I was able to review the functionality of the Reorder Report.  In other systems I've worked with, the system would automatically generate a Storeroom Replenishment Order (Purchase Requisition) at scheduled times during the week.  The amounts would be based on what was needed at that point in time to return the PARs back up to the MAX.

    The only thing that I wanted to verify was the difference between the Purchase (Par / Reorder) and Outlet (Par / Reorder) columns.  If I am understanding this correctly, I would only be focused on the Purchase (Par = MAX) (Reorder = MIN) to replenish the warehouses once the Reorder Report was generated.  Before going through the process of inputting the Min/Max PARs for all of the warehouse guides, I just wanted to be certain.  Thank you again for your assistance with this. 

  • Chris Webb

    Hi Geoffrey Sagrans


    Yes you are correct, its the Purchase Par and Re-Order levels that you need to configure in order to use the re-order report.  And just for clarity once you have generated the re-order report you can automatically create a PR from that report so no need to manually input any values.


  • Geoffrey Sagrans

    Thank you Chris


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