Forecasting Revenue
- From the side menu, go to Rotas > Rotas Homepage
Fig.1 - Rotas > Rotas Homepage
- Budgets can only be re-forecast when the rota is open. Therefore, from the Rota’s homepage select the Open Rota that the budgets need amending for
Fig.2 - Selecting an open rota
The open rota will show the current 'Budgeted Revenue(£)' for each day.
Fig.3 Budgeted Revenue
The 'Forecast Revenue(£)' will be identical to the 'Budgeted Revenue(£)'. However, if the site is going to potentially achieve more revenue that day (or underachieve due to unforeseen circumstances) the Forecast Revenue can be amended.
- To do this, use the orange arrow drop-down (see Fig.4) and select Edit Revenue
Fig.4 Edit Revenue
The next screen will display a breakdown of the revenue over the week.
- To re-forecast simply over-type the amounts which appear automatically when there is a budget entered. Once the necessary days have been amended within that specific week, select Save
The Forecast information will then appear in the rota’s financial section, and the 'Available for Wages (£)' number will have increased or decreased depending on whether the new forecast was up or down on the budget information.
Fig.5 - Re-forecasted Revenue and 'Available for Wages' numbers
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