The PeopleMatter Platform features three ways to track the performance of your job postings.
Applicant Source (HTTP referrer) report:
Run this report to see the last URL the applicant visited before applying to your posting.
- Go to Reporting.
- Click Library.
- Click Applicant Source (HTTP referrer).
- Filter the report by date, location, and job title.
- Each source will be listed under Referring URL Domain.
- Unique Applications is the number of applications that were submitted.
- Unique Applicants refers to the number of individual applicants. Note: Each unique applicant may have submitted multiple applications (i.e. If 1 applicant applied to 3 positions, that is 3 unique applications and 1 unique applicant).
Applicant Source (Custom Tracking Tags) Report:
To use this report, you'll first need to create custom tracking tags for each source.
- Go to Company Settings.
- Click Applicant Sourcing.
- Click Add New.
- Enter the name of the website or job board in the Name of Source field.
- Enter the Source URL Tracking Tag. This will display at the end of the Source URL.
- Click Save.
- Copy and paste the Source URL into your job posting.
When the URL is clicked, the applicant will be redirected to your application. Each completed application can be tracked using the Applicant Source (Custom Tracking Tags) report.
- Each source will be listed under Source Name.
- # of Applications is the total number of completed applications from that source.
- # Hired is the total number of applicants hired from that source.
- % Hired is the percentage of applicants you hired from that source.
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