Recipe and Menu Engineering offers a range of reports which can be exported to a variety of formats. This article explains how to access Ingredient, Recipe, Menu or Miscellaneous reports via the Reports tab, and how to filter the data displayed. It is also possible to display specific records which contribute to a selected category or grouping only.
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Running Reports
- Go to the reports tab
- Use the Select Report Type drop-down and choose from Ingredient, Recipe, Menu or Miscellaneous

Fig.1 - Selecting a report type from the reports tab
Available reports are displayed in the Results pane.
Hovering the mouse cursor over a report name will display a tooltip with a summary of the report - see example in Fig.3.
Fig.3 - Report summary tooltip
- Select a report from the Results pane
The page will refresh to display the Details for the selected report.
Filtering Data Displayed on a Report
To limit the amount of data displayed on a report, the system allows for the filtering of results for each report.
- The first option displays all items in the report and is selected by default
- The second option allows selection of specific records to appear on the report
- The third option allows selection of category or grouping only
In some instances an expand button will display, enabling further filtering selections.
Fig.4 - Filtering Options
- Select a filtering option (Fig.4) and an output format, using the Download as: drop-down
- A report can be downloaded as a PDF, xls, or csv file
- To view the report in a web browser window, select the Preview Report button
- To run the report, select Create Report
- In the pop-up window that opens, select click here to download
- PDF reports will open in a new browser window - use the Save icon to download a copy
- xls and csv reports can be downloaded as files, as per normal web browser functionality
Fig.5 - Saving a PDF report
Changing Report Settings
If required, certain elements of a report can be configured.
- With a report selected, go to the Settings tab
Fig.6 - Report Settings
- Select a Font and Paper Size
- Make any required changes to Headers and Footers
- Settings can be applied to this report only or all reports
- Select Save Settings once complete
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