Please Note: Prior to editing an employees details, the correct permissions must have been assigned to the user in order to do so.
This is based upon the hierarchy in the Company's portal and which permissions the user login has.
For more information on this topic, please see the following articles:
WFM - Access Level Hierarchy Explained
WFM - Definitions of HR Permissions
WFM - Definitions of Rota Permissions
If the assigned permissions do not allow for the editing and updating of employee details, please contact the Company's Fourth Administrator to discuss this issue.
Updating Employee Details
Go to the HR module

Fig.1 - Module drop down
- The ‘Self Administration’ area can be used by individuals to update their own information

Fig.2 - Self Administration
- To update an employee's details, select Personal Details from the Employee Info drop-down
Fig.3 - Personal Details in the Employee Info Drop-Down
- Populate the required fields in the Personal Details area
- Enter the relevant Work/Home Email address
Fig.4 - Personal Details Screen
Preventing Duplicate Email Addresses being Entered
To prevent duplicate ‘personal’ email addresses being entered, either manually or via the API integration:
Go to HR > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Default Employee Settings
Tick the box against Prevent Duplicate Personal Email Addresses?
Select Save to apply the setting
Fig.5 – New Prevent Duplicate Personal Email Addresses Global Setting
When the setting is turned on:
If an employee is created manually with a personal email address that already exists then an error message will display
The error message will state that the Personal Email already exists and list all employees that the email address is associated with
The user will not be able to continue until the Personal Email Address is changed, or the same address is removed from the existing employees, as per the error message
Creating employees with already existing email addresses through third party ATS systems will also generate the same error, with the same steps required to resolve it.
Please Note: Details may only be updated if the individual has the access to do so, some access levels may only allow employees to view rather than amend.
- Change Login Details: Allows for passwords for the system to be changed. Most passwords need to be at least 6 characters with at least 1 digit.
- Select Change Login Details in the Employee Access drop-down

Fig.6 - Change Login Details in Employee Access Drop-Down
Enter the new Password twice
Select Save.
Please Note: Passwords are case sensitive
Holiday Requests
Follow the link to ‘Create Holiday Request’ on the top right hand side.

Fig.7 - Create a Holiday Request
Enter the dates required, select Calculate Number of Days

Fig.8 - Create a New Holiday Request Screen
- On the next page tick the unpaid column if any of the days of the holiday would be classed as normal days off – not holiday days to come out of a Holiday allowance

Fig.9 - Unpaid Holidays
Holidays will then need to be authorised by a manager.
Absence Requests
Select Add a New Absence

Fig.10 - Add a New Absence
Populate the required fields

Fig.11 - Recording a New Absence
Next of Kin
- Select Next of Kin Details in the Employee Info drop-down menu
Fig.12 - Next of Kin Details in the Employee Info Drop-Down
Update the contact details for Next of Kin. Select Save after making amendments

Fig.13 - Next of Kin Details
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