Contracts define the rules with regards to an Employee’s CSP, overtime, and lieu hours. Different contracts can be set up for different employees within a business where the benefits differ. For Example, a Manager may be entitled to CSP but not Lieu time. An Employee might only be entitled to SSP & Lieu time but not CSP.
The aim of this document is to assist the user in creating, managing, and assigning contracts.
Creating Contracts
To create a new contract in the HR module select Company Admin > Contracts from the burger menu> Create Contract from the right-hand corner of the page.
- Enter a Description to identify the contract
- Enter a Contract Code for reporting purposes
- To enable a contract to be assigned, the status should be Active. Any contracts no longer required should be changed to Inactive
- Assign the Payroll Company from the drop-down box.
Assign Job Titles
- Select the Job Titles button and select the Job Titles that require this contract and assign them using the arrows. Double arrows can be used to assign all job titles.
- Select Save.

Fig 2 – Assign Job titles
Absence Settings
- Select the Absence Setting button to configure Company Sick Pay.

Fig 3 – Absence Settings
- Select Is CSP paid during probation period? if the employee is entitled to CSP during probation, and then enter the number of Months before CSP eligibility
- Absent waiting Day to start paying CSP - select the number of waiting days from the drop-down (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Absent Day)
- Select from the Absent Period Based On drop-down the date on which the annual entitlement starts or select Rolling Absence Period.
- If the entitlement is over a rolling absence period, enter the number of weeks, typically 52 weeks for the Rolling Absent Period
- Select Is pay based on length of service? if entitlement is based on length of service;
- If the entitlement is not based on length of service, enter the Number of full days entitlement and Half days entitlement

Fig 4 – Number of days CSP
- If CSP is based on length of service, the number of days must be completed for each period. As in Fig 4 the total number of days must be entered for each year of service even if the entitlement remains the same as the previous year. The total number of days for year 7 to 11 above must be entered even though there is no increase, leaving it as 0.00 will reduce the entitlement to 0 days.
Overtime Settings
- Select the Overtime Settings > Create Overtime button to configure overtime for this contract.
Different types of overtime can be set up for different reasons. For example, once an employee has worked the prescribed number of hours they can either be paid, accrue lieu hours, or both.
Fig 5 – Create Overtime
- Enter a Description for this overtime
- Select the Start Band, the point from which the overtime starts. From the drop-down select either Contracted Hours or FTE. The FTE is set in the job title or by employee on their employment details page under ‘override FTE’.
- In the Default Start Band if No Contracted Hours enter the default number of hours to start the overtime from if the employee does not have any contracted hours.
- The Overtime Payment can either be a multiple of the employees’ salary (Pay Rate x Factor) or a set amount per hour. Select the relevant option from the drop-down box.
- Ignore Contracted Hours - Select if the the overtime applies to all hours worked
- Ireland Overtime Calculation - Select if the overtime hours are calculated based on a fortnightly period. If selected, the Ignore Contracted Hours will also be ticked.
- Overtime Frequency - Select if the overtime should be calculated over 1,2, or 4 weeks. Choosing 2 or 4 weeks will result in adjustments being made to the overtime payment in payroll when a rota is submitted.
- Select if Negative Lieu Hours are to be created if the employee does not work their contracted hours. Lieu Hours is not standard functionality but can be turned on and configured on request. Refer to the Lieu Hours functionality article here https://help.hotschedules.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042715251-WFM-Configuring-Lieu-Hours-Functionality for more information.

Fig 6 – Overtime Bands
Bands can be set up to pay overtime or create lieu hours when a specific number of hours has been reached. Fig 6 shows that this overtime contract will pay hours at the employees' pay rate for all hours worked between 25 and 40 hours and for hours worked above 40 hours, lieu hours will be created. See lieu hours article for an explanation of how lieu hours work.
- To create or delete bands, use the plus and minus buttons highlighted
- Assign the overtime contract to job titles by selecting the Assign Job Titles button and then selecting the relevant job titles.
Assigning Multiple Overtime Rules
Once the overtime settings have been created, it is possible to assign more than one overtime setup to a contract. For example, a 24hr Flexi contract may have different overtime rules for different job titles.
- Select the Overtime Settings button and create the different overtime setups once a contract has been created as shown in Fig 1,.
- Assign different job titles to the relevant overtime setups as displayed in Fig 7

Fig 7 – Multiple Overtime Settings
Assigning Contracts
When creating an employee the option to select a contract is on the Employment Details page.
HR ˃ Employees ˃ Employee List ˃ Search Employee ˃ Employee Info ˃ Employment Details ˃ Contract ˃ Select Contract.

Fig 8 – Employment Details page
- Select the relevant Contract from the drop-down. Only contracts assigned to the employee's job title will be available to use. If new a job title has been created, ensure that a contract has been assigned.
Contract and Contracted Hours Change Based on an Effective Date
When a user changes the Contract or Contracted hours within an employee’s Employment Details page it is possible to select an effective date for the change to take effect.
- To locate this page, go to HR > Employees > search for and select an Employee
- Go to Employee Info > Employment Details
- Make any required changes to the Contract and/or Contracted Hours fields
- Save
Fig.9 - Employment Details Page
A pop-up box will display where an effective date can be selected.
Fig.10 - Contract Change Effective Date pop-up box
- Use the Change Date field to set an effective date and then Save
The changes will then be recorded on the Employee History Page.
- To locate this page, go to HR > Employees > search for and select an Employee
- Then go to Employee Info > Employee History
Fig.11 – Employee History Page
A future date can be entered as an effective date, which will then update automatically on that chosen date.
Fig.12 - Employee History Page with a future date
Future dated changes will also appear on the Employee History page.
- These can be viewed or deleted by selecting View/Delete Future changes from the Employee History page
- Future dated changes can be deleted using the Delete All option within the View/Delete Future Changes page
Fig.13 - Deleting Future Dated Changes
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