This article explains how to amend, delete, and create a Job Role in the Fourth Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Changes can be made by any user who has the permission to access the Roles menu option under the SET UP menu in the ATS - see Fig.1.
If this menu option is not visible, seek advice from the recruitment team or an ATS administrator, who should both have access to the Roles menu option.
Fig.1 - SET UP > Roles
Changes Commonly made to Job Roles
The following changes are the most common made to Job Roles in the ATS:
- Change of Role name
- Change of Role mapping (the relationship between a Role in the ATS and the Job Title in HR)
- Change of pay banding/pay points
- Change to job description
- Change to job advert
- Change to Role image
- Removal of a Role
- Creation of a new Role
How to Delete a Role
- Access the Roles menu option by going to SET UP > Roles
Roles which are associated to a current vacancy or a recruitment process feature a greyed-out Delete button.
- To permanently delete a Role from the ATS, select the greyed-out Delete button next to it
Fig.2 - Deleting Roles
Warning Messages
It is possible that attempting to delete a Role will be 'blocked' by the following reason:
Roles are associated with an Onboarding document (contract) or Job group (Job search group on the candidate portal)
This means that each ATS element associated needs to be unset or deleted before the Role itself can be deleted.
- Select Unset or Delete for each individual element, or use the Unset All or Delete All button
Fig.3 - Unset and Delete options
- To permanently remove the Role from the ATS, select Delete role
Fig.4 - Delete role option
Another possible reason for being unable to delete a Role is:
Roles are associated with a current or closed vacancy and therefore with applicant records within those vacancies
Fig.5 - Role linked to vacancies warning message
This means that all applicants within a vacancy associated to that Role must be regretted before the Role can be deleted.
How to make Changes to a Role
- Go to SET UP > Roles
- Select the required Role name
Fig.6 - Selecting a Role name to make changes to it
A screen presenting all Role settings will then display - see Fig.7.
Fig.7 - Role settings 1/2
A number of settings are required for Roles to work within the ATS system, as explained in the table below.
All settings marked with an asterisk - * - are mandatory fields.
Brand |
If multiple brands are set up, this drop-down allows a Role to be associated to the correct one. For a single brand, this will default to the only available brand. |
Required permission |
The permission is linked to who can create and manage a Role in the ATS. If the drop-down is left blank then every user can create a vacancy for the applicable role. If a permission is selected then only users with access to that permission are able to create and manage the role. Best practice is to assign the process permission matching the process that the role is used for. i.e. if a role is associated with the hourly process then select can access hourly process from the drop-down. If a new permission is needed please reach out to your Fourth contact. |
Process to use |
This drop-down is for selecting the recruitment process with which the Role is associated. |
Requires approval |
The default option is always set to No. Please do not make any changes to this unless the ATS is specifically set up for internal approval processes. If this is the case the drop-down can be used to indicate if a Role requires an internal approval or not. |
Role name |
The name that is displayed in the advert (this is not related to the Job Title name in HR.) The Job Role name must be unique so that the correct Role can be selected when opening a vacancy. |
Workforce Management Name |
This is the 'Job Title Name' in HR & Payroll with which the role is associated. This needs to exactly match the 'Job Title Name' in HR & Payroll. |
Job Search Group |
Job search groups are visible on the ATS home page for candidates to search vacancies by group (i.e. 'Front of House' or 'Management'). The job search groups are unique to each business. Select the job search group that the Role should be featured in. |
For ats vacancies |
Always select Either, unless this Role is not to appear as a vacancy option. The available options are Yes, No, and Either. |
Role division |
The Division to which the Role is associated with. This needs to match the Job Title setting in HR & Payroll. Only one Division can be selected per Role. |
Excluded locations |
If certain Locations should not feature a Role, these can be chosen individually from here. |
Role Image or Video |
To add a new image or amend an existing one, select the camera icon. Role images will always take priority over a Location image. JPEG Image sizes: 1696px width x 955px height, and not more that 800k in size. If a video is required, please liaise with your Fourth contact. |
Associated Contracts |
All available e-signature contracts are featured here and can be selected or removed by using the Plus and Minus icon accordingly. Please ensure that at least one contract is associated to a Role otherwise the onboarding of a candidate for this Role cannot be completed. |
Job Description |
A new job description can be uploaded as a PDF file here. |
Fig.8 - Role settings 2/2
Job Advert Text |
The job advert for the vacancy is entered here. Use formatting tools at the top of the box as required. Fourth does not recommend copying information from a Word document, as this can bring additional formatting over. If copying text, paste it into a text file and then copy and paste out again to 'clean' it of any formatting. |
Pay Rates and Inclusions |
From Pay rate drop-down, a pay rate can be associated with the Role. If a pay rate is required which is not currently included in the drop-down options, select +Add New pay rate |
+Add New pay rate |
The page expands once this has been selected to show more fields to complete: Fig.9 - Adding a new pay rate type Pay rate type: Choose from the list and enter the pay rate details (do not add £ sign)
Period: Select either Per Hour or Per Annum Once the details are entered select Save. The new pay rate will be available in the drop-down and can be selected for this Role. |
Pay rate Depends on |
This can be selected if a default setting for this Role is required. The default option is still editable when opening a vacancy. If an option is needed but not featured in the drop-down, please liaise with your Fourth contact. |
Package includes |
This can be selected if a default setting for this Role is required. The default option is still editable when opening a vacancy. If an option is needed but not featured in the drop-down, please liaise with your Fourth contact. |
Paid by rota |
Select Yes or No to indicate if this Role is paid by rota or not. This has to match the Job title settings in HR & Payroll. |
Pay Rate Variations by location |
If the pay rate varies between Locations, then this option can be used to specify each one. |
How to Create a new Role
- To create a new Role, select the New button from the bottom of the Role page
- Fill in all details as outlined in the above table and Save changes
Fig.10 - The 'New' button for adding a new Role
Please note: If you are using different Caterer Premium templates, please contact Fourth so this can be set up for the new role created.
Refer to the article here for more details on how to submit such a request.
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