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Document Type
This document provides high-level release notes for the bug fixes and new developments which will be available from 12th July 2017. This document contains a description of changes since version 4.6.70
Summary of new features
The ability to block a Purchase Requisition where it exceeds the budget of forecast for the account / outlet
The ability to run the Outlet Variance Report for non-perpetual inventory outlets
Checking vendor order requirements during automatic order creation and transmission
Various defects (this release includes fixes for a number of “edge case” defects)
System Requirements
The requirements for running the Adaco 4.6.71 Client Application are:
The information in this document and any document referenced herein is provided for informational purposes only, is provided AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS and cannot be understood as substituting for customized service and information that might be developed by Fourth USA Incorporated for a particular user based upon that user’s particular environment. RELIANCE UPON THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY DOCUMENT REFERENCED HEREIN IS AT THE USER’S OWN RISK.
© 2015 Fourth USA Incorporated. All rights reserved.
FOURTH USA INCORPORATED PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY DOCUMENT REFERENCED HEREIN. Fourth USA Incorporated provides no warranty and makes no representation that the information provided in this document or any document referenced herein is suitable or appropriate for any situation, and Fourth USA Incorporated cannot be held liable for any claim or damage of any kind that users of this document or any document referenced herein may suffer. Your retention of and/or use of this document and/or any document referenced herein constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, Fourth USA Incorporated does not provide you with any right to use any part of this document or any document referenced herein.
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Fourth may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter within this document. Except as provided in any separate written license agreement from Fourth, the furnishing of this document does not give you, the user, any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.
Adaco is the registered trademark of Fourth USA Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Document Type
This document provides high-level release notes for the bug fixes and new developments which will be available from 12th July 2017. This document contains a description of changes since version 4.6.70
Summary of new features
The ability to block a Purchase Requisition where it exceeds the budget of forecast for the account / outlet
The ability to run the Outlet Variance Report for non-perpetual inventory outlets
Checking vendor order requirements during automatic order creation and transmission
Various defects (this release includes fixes for a number of “edge case” defects)
System Requirements
The requirements for running the Adaco 4.6.71 Client Application are:
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1, Windows 10 |
.NET Requirements | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for client application) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for server side application) |
Internet Browser | Internet Explorer 7 or above, Windows Edge |
System Requirements | Minimum 1GB memory |
ID | Area Affected | Description |
US31529/US31530 | Requisitions |
Option to Block PRs from being saved when they exceed budget Within Property > Administration > Property Preferences > Requisitions there is a new option called “When Requisition Exceeds Budget or Forecast”. There are two possible settings for this option: Display warning only and Block user from saving Requisition. The default setting is Display warning only. ![]() When Display warning only is selected a user will be prompted with a warning when they attempt to submit a Purchase Requisition for approval where the value of the Purchase Requisition combined with the value of any existing approved purchase requisitions exceeds the budget or forecast budget for any general ledger accounts included in the requisition. Also a Reviewer / Approver will receive the same prompt when they attempt to review or approve the requisition. Note: With the option Display warning only selected the application will behave as per the existing functionality. When Block user from saving Requisition is selected the user will be prevented from saving a Purchase Requisition when the value of the Purchase Requisition combined with the value of any existing approved purchase requisitions exceeds the budget or forecast budget for any general ledger accounts included in the requisition. In this scenario the user will be prompted to view the Budget Report which will identify which budgets are being exceeded and which products are the cause of the budgetary excess. At this point the user must amend the requisition so that the value of the requisition no longer causes the budget or forecast to be exceeded. Note: When Block user from saving Requisition is selected the budgets and forecasts will be checked at the point that the requisition is saved rather than at the time that requisition is submitted for approval. Consequently this new functionality can be used as a substitute for approval routing. i.e. a requisition can only progress if it is within budget and therefore may not require further approval. |
US30476 | Reports |
Outlet Variance Report can now be run for Non-Perpetual and Perpetual Outlets Previously it was only possible to run the Outlet Variance Report for Perpetual Inventory Outlets. This behaviour has now been changed so that it is possible to run the Outlet Variance Report, or the Interim Outlet Variance report for any outlet which is marked for inventory regardless of whether it is Perpetual or Non Perpetual. Perpetual outlets should be used to manage inventory where the cost of items is posted to the balance sheet inventory accounts and any negative variance recorded at period end is credited to the balance sheet and debited to the corresponding cost of sales accounts. Perpetual outlets should only use balance sheet accounts. Non Perpetual outlets should be used to manage inventory where the cost of items is posted to the cost of sales or expense accounts and any positive variance recorded at period end is credited to the cost of sales and debited to the appropriate balance sheet inventory account. Non Perpetual outlets should only use P&L cost of sales or expense accounts. |
US28624 | Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders |
Warnings now shown when automatically creating and transmitting Purchase Orders Within each vendor record (Property > Vendors) there is an option to Automatically Create and Transmit Orders ![]() Where this option is selected and a Purchase Requisition is released (either manually or automatically on approval) a purchase order for any items assigned to the vendor will be created and transmitted using the vendor’s default order transmission method. During this process the application will check that the resulting purchase order meets any vendor requirements which have been set in the vendor record and will provide warnings to the user, or depending on the system setting, block the creation / transmission of the order where any of the following rules are not met:
Each of the above options are optionally set specifically for each vendor. Where these are not set then the purchase order will be created and transmitted without reference to these values. For each of the above options the application can be set to either warn a user that the rule is being violated or alternatively block the order from being created or transmitted where the rule is violated. |
Bug Fixes and Optimisations
ID | Area Affected | Description |
D12427 |
Purchase Requisitions | Previously it was possible to recall and edit a Purchase Requisition whilst it was being processed into a PO by another user. This has now been amended so a user who tries to recall a PR whilst it is being processed will receive a warning message and will be prevented from recalling the PR |
D14118 | Reports | Under certain circumstances the Invoice Log Report would generate an exception when retrieving the Purchase Orders. This has been resolved so that no exception or error is generated. |
D14797 | Inter Property Requisitions | When inter property outlet requisitions included recipe items the cost of the recipe was incorrectly calculated. This has now been resolved so that recipe costs are correctly calculated in inter property outlet requisitions |
D14997 | Recipes / Reports | When running the Recipe Print Label report only the ingredients from the main high level recipe were shown. This has been amended so that all ingredients from the recipe and any included sub recipes are shown in the report. |
D15055 | Reports | In certain circumstances the value of invoices was over stated in the Invoice Log Report. This has now been resolved so that all invoices are correctly included in the Invoice Log Report |
D15084 | Period End | Where transactions were posted to or from an outlet marked as a Retail Outlet during the period end process the value of inventory was incorrectly calculated. This has been resolved so that the value of inventory in Retail Outlets is correctly calculated. |
D15086 | Interim Period End | Where the average cost of an item was changed whilst an interim inventory was in progress the value of the inventory was not calculated correctly. This has been resolved so that the inventory value is calculated correctly even when an interim inventory is in progress. |
D15141 | Reports | Using the Invoices > Invoice Entry functionality it is possible to enter an invoice line which is not associated with an outlet. In this circumstance the value of the invoice was not included in the Invoice Log Report. This has been resolved to that all invoices will be reflected in the Invoice Log Report even if they are not associated with an outlet. |
D15402 | Reports | If an inventory location was deleted the value of the inventory previously associated with that location (in prior periods) was not shown in the Inventory Valuation (Historical) Report. This has been amended so that all inventory will be included in the Inventory Valuation (Historical) Report even if the inventory location has subsequently been deleted. |
D15440 & D15442 |
Reports | When changing the outlets which are included in an Interim Inventory Cycle and then using the same Cycle for multiple interim inventories within the same period the Interim Outlet Variance Report was reflecting the outlets currently included in the Interim Cycle rather than the outlets which were included in the Interim Cycle at the time of the Interim Inventory. This has been resolved so that the Interim Outlet Variance Report will always reflect the outlets which were included in the Interim Cycle at the time of the Interim Inventory even if the Interim Cycle has subsequently been changed. |
D15838 | AP exports | Where two product details were merged in between two different receivings for the same PO the value of the merged items was not correctly included in the AP exports. This has now been resolved. |
D16298 | Recipes / Approvals | Where a recipe could be assigned custom POS Fields (when using specific POS interfaces) the values assigned to these custom fields was not visible during the recipe approval process. This has been amended to that a user approving a recipe will be able to view and amend the custom POS field values. |
D16585 | Invoice Approvals | Previously when a non-PO invoices was routed to a Final Approver and the value of the invoice exceeded the Final Approver’s monetary limit there was no option for the Final Approver to only Approve the invoice and route it onto a different Final Approver with a higher monetary threshold for final approval. This has now been resolved so when a Final Approver is attempting to approve an invoice which has a value higher than their monetary limit their approval role will be downgraded to Approver so that they can Approve the invoice and forward it to another user for Final Approver. This now functions in the same way that it does when approving Purchase or Outlet Requisitions. |
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