This article provides the steps of using Fixed Costs on Rotas.
How to Use Fixed Costs
Log into Fourth's People and Payroll solution, and from the dropdown menu select the Rotas module
Fig.1 - Select HR Module
To set up using fixed costs select Global Settings
Please note: This is an administrative setting and high access is required.
Fig.2 - Global Settings
To check or enable fixed costs select Edit in the rotas settings
Fig.3 - Edit Rota Settings
Tick the Rename Fixed Costs in Rotas, and enter a short name for what they are being used for e.g. Cleaning Costs or Entertainment
Fig.4 - Edit Default rota settings
Then set up fixed cost areas, again under Administration > Fixed Cost Area
Fig.5 - Fixed Cost Area under Administration
To create areas select Create Weekly Fixed Costs Area on the top right-hand side
Fig.6 - Create Weekly Fixed Costs Area
Create as many areas as required, for fixed cost entry
Fig.7 - Weekly Fixed Costs Areas
Once this has been set up, navigate to Administration > Configure Locations
Fig.8 - Configure Locations
Scroll down to the Edit Factor X and Fixed Costs area
Fig.9 - Edit Factor x and Fixed Costs
Tick the option Use Fixed Costs Settings
Fig.10 - Use Fixed Costs Settings
This will open up more options. First enter the % split across the week, which days these costs need to appear on, then enter the % split for the divisions that the cost will affect. Both areas have to equal 100
Fig.11 - % split
Then enter the amount in £ for the fixed costs across the week by selecting the Edit button (Fig.12)
This will bring up the Fixed Cost Areas previously setup
Fig.12 - Fixed Cost Area
Select Save
Fig.13 - Save
The fixed cost can be edited from the rota on a weekly basis if necessary, meaning that managers/supervisors that do not have administrative rights can update costs where necessary
By selecting the button which was renamed in global settings Edit Bonus
Fig.14 - Edit Fixed Cost
This will bring up the Fixed Cost Areas previously set up with the costs that have been configured, amend where necessary for that week
Fig.15 - Fixed Cost Area
Select Save
Fig.16 - Save
Fixed Cost will show as an additional line on the analysis page, also accessible from the rota link.
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