The Fourth Receiving app allows users to easily manage the process of receiving deliveries. Crucially, it enables the process to be carried out on a mobile device, away from a back-office environment. Receiving can be accessed via the main Fourth app on a mobile device or through a web browser on a desktop/laptop computer.
This article contains screenshots taken on a phone but the general look, feel, and functionality remains the same regardless of whether using a mobile device or web browser.
Please note: This article is for using the Receiving App with Adaco (Purchasing & Inventory). For using it with Fourth's Inventory product, please see Inventory Restaurants Mobile: Receiving App
Also see - Receiving app Video
Use the section titles below to go directly to that part of this article.
Accessing Receiving
- Log into the Fourth app on a mobile device or go to https://secure.fourth.com/ (or https://secure.na1.fourth.com/ for the North American Fourth Platform) in a web browser
- Select Receiving from the list of connected apps
Fig.1 - Accessing Receiving from Connected Apps
A new window will open. Where users have access to more than one, there will be a prompt to select a location.
Fig.2 - Selecting a location
Delivery List for Location
A list of outstanding deliveries for the selected location will display.
Deliveries are grouped by the following:
- Overdue Deliveries
- Current (Due Today/Future date)
By default, the group for past deliveries is collapsed.
- Tap anywhere on the bar to expand the list
Deliveries that are due today or any other date in the future are listed below the past deliveries group. They are ordered and grouped by date.
Search for Specific Deliveries
- Search for specific deliveries by selecting the magnifying glass. Searches can be done with supplier names or purchase order numbers
Fig.4 - Magnifying glass search icon
- Whether using search results or the deliveries displayed by default, select a delivery to view its content
Receiving a Delivery
Search for a Line
- Search for a specific line by selecting the magnifying glass. Searches can be done with product descriptions or product codes
Sorting Delivery Lines
When viewing a delivery, individual delivery lines can be sorted/ordered by the following:
- Purchase order line number
- Product Code
- Product Description
- To sort, select the sorting value from the Sort by drop-down, as shown in Fig.7
- To reverse the direction of the sort, (ascending/descending) use the directional button, also shown in Fig.7
Fig.7 - Sorting delivery lines
Adding a Delivery Note Reference to a Delivery
This section is only valid if the supplier hasn't sent an electronic delivery note.
Once a delivery has been selected, a message will appear to prompt the user to provide a delivery note reference.
- Use the Delivery note reference field provided
Best practice is to use the unique delivery note reference number provided by the supplier on the actual delivery. Refrain from entering a generic reference that might be reused in the future.
Fig.8 - Entering a delivery note reference
The delivery note will be automatically saved when exiting the field.
Accepting/Editing/Rejecting Lines
Each delivery line can be Accepted, Rejected, or Edited.
- Select the ellipses on the delivery line to see the Accept or Reject options
- If using a mobile device, swipe left on the delivery line to reject or swipe right to accept
- Green - Accept delivery line as per the purchase order line (delivered as expected)
- Amber – Edit the values for a delivery line (delivered, but not as expected)
- Red – Reject a delivery line (was not delivered)
Fig.9 - Accept, Edit, and Reject options
- Use either the green or red buttons to Accept or Reject the delivery line
- Use the amber button to Edit the delivery line - see below
When a delivery line is rejected the quantity for the line is automatically set to 0.
Accepting/Rejecting all Unchanged Lines
There is an option to accept or reject multiple lines allocated at the bottom of the line list. If selected, it will be applied to all lines in the delivery which have not been processed yet. They have a grey bar on the right.
Editing a Delivery Line
- Use the - or + buttons to alter the values accordingly or select the field to enter a more precise value with the keyboard
- Use the Save button once finished
Fig.11 - Changing the quantity value of a delivery line and save
It is not possible to enter negative values. Where a zero quantity is input, the state of the line will default to ‘Rejected’. Users must have the correct permissions to edit delivery lines to carry out this task.
Additional Delivery Options
- Direct Charge
- Posting Period
- Are future deliveries expected? (For multiple receivings/backorders)
These options are accessed via the Delivery Options button.
Direct Charge
- This will pull through the value set against the Purchase Order within Adaco (read-only)
Posting Period
- This will display the Posting Period. Generally, this field is read-only. However, if there are two open periods at the same time, there is an option to choose to post the purchase order to the inventory period, or to the current period
Are future deliveries expected? (Multiple Receivings / Back Orders)
- This indicates whether this purchase order can be received in parts
- A multiple receiving is a receiving that occurs in parts. A multiple receiving allows a purchase order to remain open if only some of the products on the purchase order have been received. For example, a purchase order is for 100 wine glasses. On Friday, 50 wine glasses are received. The next Wednesday, the remaining 50 wine glasses are received
The app will default based on the Purchase Order within Adaco.
- Toggling the Are future deliveries expected? radio button to YES will update the text underneath, see Fig.14
Fig.14 - Delivery Options Screen with Future Deliveries Expected
- Select Save
This will create an additional receiving within the app, and the core Adaco solution for any products not received at this stage.
Adding Lines to a Delivery
- Select the Add Line button, located at the bottom of the delivery screen
Fig.15 - Add Line Button
- Search by product name or code, as shown in Fig.16
- Select the required product
The unit price will display automatically
- Enter the Quantity of the product, as shown in Fig.17
- Enter the Unit Price of the product (if the current user has access to do so)
- Select the Add new line Line button
Fig.17 - Adjusting Quantity and the Add A New Line button
Any added lines will appear flagged with an 'Added Line' tag. See Fig.18.
Fig.18 - The Added Line tag
Manually Adding a New Line
- Select the Add Line button, located at the bottom of the receiving page
- Select Add a new line manually
Fig.19 - Adding a New Line Manually
- Add details for the product, as shown in Fig.20
- When finished, select the Add a New Line button
Submitting a Delivery
- When ready, select Submit
Fig.21 - Action taken on all lines, and the Submit button
There may be further messages that require confirmation - see Fig.22.
Fig.22 - Example delivery date confirmation message
- Take appropriate action as per any further message that may appear
Quantity Distribution between Multiple Outlets (Adaco)
When a Multiple Outlet order is created in Fourth's Adaco product, for example for one product with a quantity of 6 - on the outlet details the quantity is evenly distributed between the 3 outlets.
Fig.24 – Multiple Outlet Purchase order
If a cXML Invoice is loaded in the system (but receiving is not submitted), the received quantity is evenly distributed between the 3 outlets based on the ordered quantity. Any outstanding amount is added to the first outlet.
If the received quantity in this example is 5, the amounts will be distributed as follows:
- Outlet 1 - 2
- Outlet 2 - 2
- Outlet 3 - 1
Fig.25 - cXML Invoice applied to Receiving in Purchasing & Inventory
In the Receiving area of the mobile application, when editing the line for the received item, all amounts are distributed between the outlets as it is in Purchasing & Inventory. The receiving is then ready for submission.
Fig.26 – Editing of receiving line on the mobile app
Managing Invoices
- Open a Delivery and take action on all delivery lines (accept, amend, reject)
- Select Invoice
- All product data from Delivery Order/Goods Received Note (from the core application) are listed on Invoice > Input Invoice Data > Submit
Visibility of the Invoice button within the Receiving App depends on user permissions as configured within the core application (Adaco). The required permissions are 'canApplyInvoice' and 'CanEdit'
The Invoice screen is accessible after all lines on the delivery have been accepted, edited or rejected.
Fig.27 - Invoice Button is inactive until all lines on the delivery have been accepted, amended or rejected |
Fig.28 - Invoice Button is active when all lines on the delivery have been accepted, amended or rejected |
Invoice Fields
Field | Field Description |
Invoice Reference | Mandatory. This is the vendor's invoice number. This number should be unique for every invoice from a particular vendor. |
Invoice Date | Mandatory. Date of the invoice. |
Document Reference | Optional. An additional reference for the document such as the delivery note number. |
Net | Mandatory. The net amount from the vendor's invoice. |
Rates | Mandatory. The rates amount from the vendor's invoice. |
Gross | Auto-populated. The sum of the net plus rates values. |
If all mandatory fields on the Invoice are populated and if Invoice Totals equal Line Totals, the Submit button will be activated and the Invoice can be submitted.
If any mandatory fields on the Invoice are not populated, the Submit button will be inactive. As a guide, the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk; an error message will be displayed under each missing mandatory field.
Fig.29 - Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk
If the Invoice total does not equal the line total, a warning will be displayed. To align the Totals, the invoice quantity, unit price or rates can be adjusted for each product on the invoice (as required).
- Receiving > Invoice > Rates Not Matching Warning
If the current applied rates on the delivery do not match the invoice rates, a warning is displayed.
Fig.30 - Rates not matching warning
The user can resolve the mismatched rates by modifying the rates on the delivery side (rates page) or on the Invoice. On selection of a new rate value for an invoice line, a new rates total is applied to the Invoice. The warning bar will disappear when the rates match.
Delete Added Invoice Items
When recording an invoice, a line that has been added at the point of recording an invoice can be deleted. In this way, unwanted lines that may have been added by mistake can be removed.
Link to info about Rates: May 13th 2021, Release Note: Adaco: Rates in the Receiving App
User Access in Adaco for Mobile Receiving
Individual users must have access to the Receiving Center: Create permission in order to view the Receiving App button within the Fourth Platform/App. For more information on enabling this permission, please see the following article - Purchasing & Inventory - Changing Receiving Access Rights in User Groups
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