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Document Type
This document provides high-level release notes for the bug fixes and new developments which will be available from 8th August 2017. This document contains a description of changes since version 4.6.71
Summary of new features
System Requirements
The requirements for running the Adaco 4.6.72 Client Application are:
New Functionality
Bug Fixes & Optimisations
The information in this document and any document referenced herein is provided for informational purposes only, is provided AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS and cannot be understood as substituting for customized service and information that might be developed by Fourth USA Incorporated for a particular user based upon that user’s particular environment. RELIANCE UPON THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY DOCUMENT REFERENCED HEREIN IS AT THE USER’S OWN RISK.
© 2015 Fourth USA Incorporated. All rights reserved.
FOURTH USA INCORPORATED PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY DOCUMENT REFERENCED HEREIN. Fourth USA Incorporated provides no warranty and makes no representation that the information provided in this document or any document referenced herein is suitable or appropriate for any situation, and Fourth USA Incorporated cannot be held liable for any claim or damage of any kind that users of this document or any document referenced herein may suffer. Your retention of and/or use of this document and/or any document referenced herein constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, Fourth USA Incorporated does not provide you with any right to use any part of this document or any document referenced herein.
Complying with the applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Fourth USA Incorporated.
Fourth may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter within this document. Except as provided in any separate written license agreement from Fourth, the furnishing of this document does not give you, the user, any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property.
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.
Adaco is the registered trademark of Fourth USA Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Document Type
This document provides high-level release notes for the bug fixes and new developments which will be available from 8th August 2017. This document contains a description of changes since version 4.6.71
Summary of new features
- The ability to post multiple invoices / credit notes in one receiving
- Showing value and invoice number(s) in the Receiving Corrections screen
- The ability to filter On Hold receivings which require your attention
- Various defects
System Requirements
The requirements for running the Adaco 4.6.72 Client Application are:
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1, Windows 10 |
.NET Requirements | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for client application) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for server side application) |
Internet Browser | Internet Explorer 7 or above, Windows Edge |
System Requirements | Minimum 1GB memory |
New Functionality
ID | Area Affected | Description |
US30375 | Receiving |
Ability to post multiple invoices / credit notes during one receiving When posting a receiving in either the Receiving or Receiving Corrections screen there is a new option called “Save and Add Invoice / Credit Note”. After applying an invoice and selecting this new option it will be possible to immediately adjust the values in the receiving and apply a credit note. This is particularly useful where the invoice and credit note are received and posted at the same time. Note: This new option will only be enabled in the Receiving Corrections screen if the receiving is not in a closed period or if the option "Allow Modifications in a Closed Period" is enabled and the user has the access right "Apply Invoice at Receiving Corrections" & "Receiving Corrections" enabled. |
US22189 | Receiving |
Show value and invoice number(s) in Receiving Corrections In order to help identify a particular receiving in the Receiving Corrections screen we now show the received value and any invoices or credit notes applied to the receiving. |
US25426 | Receiving |
Filtering to show On Hold receivings only Within Property Preferences > receiving there is an option to use a Receiving Tolerance. Where this option is enabled and a receiving contains a line item which exceeds the specified tolerance it is not possible to post an invoice against this receiving and the receiving will be put on hold. Only a user with the appropriate rights can then take the receiving off hold and apply the invoice. To help identify which receivings are on hold and require action there is a new filter option in the Receiving Corrections screen which will allow a user to see only those receivings which are on hold. |
US28588 | Invoices |
Warning when invoice line is not allocated to an Outlet When posting a non-PO invoice or a multiple PO invoice it is possible to allocate and expense line to an Account without assigning it to a specific outlet / department. When this occurs the user will now receive a warning message and may choose to either continue and post the invoice or return to the invoice and assign the invoice line to an outlet / department. |
US34142 | Outlet Requisitions |
Allowing Auto Replenishment job to run multiple times per day It is possible to configure Adaco so that Outlet Requisitions are automatically created based on current inventory compared to pre-defined par and re-order levels. Previously this “auto replenishment” could only be scheduled to occur once per day. It is now possible for the auto replenishment to run at a set interval throughout the day. Please contact your Success Manager if you would like further details on configuring auto replenishment. |
US33746 | POS Processing / Recipes |
Updating all POS records when recipes are updated When POS data is processed any sales record which references an invalid recipe will fail. Reasons for a recipe being invalid include un-costed items due to non-convertible units of measure, unapproved recipes or recipes containing ingredients which have been deactivated. Whenever an invalid recipe is updated all previously failed POS records will be updated and will be processed when the POS processing job next runs (there is no longer the need to reload and process all failed instances of the invalid recipe) |
Bug Fixes & Optimisations
ID | Area Affected | Description |
D17157 |
POS Sales | Under certain conditions when using the SMS POS Interface sales returns were posted as positive sales. This has now been resolved so that returns will be posted as negative sales. |
D16147 | Recipes | Previously when removing an ingredient which contained an intolerance, allergen or other dietary information the parent recipe was not updated accordingly. This has been amended so that when a user removes an ingredient (whether it is a product or a sub recipe) the user will be asked whether they want to update the dietary information (including intolerances and allergens) based on the remaining ingredients. They will also have the option to update any recipes which in turn use the base recipe as a sub recipe. |
D15239 | Requisitions | When two vendors provided the same quotation for the same product over the same time period the Primary Vendor was not always selected. This has been amended so that where all quotes are identical the Primary Vendor will be selected. |
D14705 | Production Planner | In certain circumstances an error was generated when creating a Purchase Requisition from a Production Plan. This has been resolved so that Purchase Requisitions can be created from Production Plans without error. |
D14407 | Requisitions | Previously it was possible to a user to make changes to an Outlet Requisition after thee requisition had been posted if the user still had the requisition open whilst another user posted the requisition. This has been amended so that changes to a requisition are not possible after it has been posted. |
D10960 | Orders | Where a vendor had a minimum order value set it was not possible to create a return order for that vendor as the value of a return order is negative so is always less than the vendor’s minimum order value. This has been amended so that a vendor’s minimum order value is ignored when creating return orders. |
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