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Document Type
This document provides high-level release notes for the bug fixes and new developments which will be available from 3rd October 2017. This document contains a description of changes since version 4.6.73.
Summary of New Features
The majority of the effort for this release has been focused on non-customer facing technical improvements. However, the following minor changes have also been included:
- Ability to specify number of days validity for Trade Simple quotes
- Minor report enhancements
- Addition of Created and Modified date in the ePOS API
- Various defect resolutions
System Requirements
The requirements for running the Adaco 4.6.74 Client Application are:
Operating System | Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1, Windows 10 |
.NET Requirements | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for client application) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (for server side application) |
Internet Browser | Internet Explorer 7 or above, Windows Edge |
System Requirements | Minimum 1GB memory |
New Functionality
ID | Area Affected | Description |
US36034 | Vendor Interfaces |
Ability to specify period of validity for quotations submitted via Trade Simple When configuring a vendor interface within Property > Vendors > Vendor Interface it is now possible to set a number of days for which the quotations from the vendor are valid. The value entered will be added to the start date for the quotations as submitted by the vendor and will be used for the end date for the quotations. Where the value entered is 0 then the quotations will only be valid on the one specified date only. Where no value is entered then the end date for the quotations will default to the system default value of 31st December 2075 (effectively never ending). |
US36266 | Reports |
Vendor AP Cross-Reference now displayed in Receiving Verify Report To further assist identifying the relevant vendor the Receiving Verify Report now includes the vendor’s AP Cross Reference value (this is typically the value associated with the vendor in the external accounts system). |
US36325 | Purchase Orders |
Option to exclude tag line text from Purchase Orders Within Property Preferences > Customization there is an option to enter Tagine Text. This text wil be printed at the bottom of all Adaco reports and optionally on Recipe Cards. It is now possible to exclude this from being printed on the Purchase Orders sent to vendors by un-ticking the new option Include in Purchase Order. |
US36549 | APIs |
Inclusion of created and modified dates in ePOS API The ePOS API which is used by external systems to access details of retail and menu items (recipes) will now return two additional fields containing the date that the item was created and the date that the item was last modified. These fields will return a date / time object which will be expressed in server time. These additional fields will be included in the API documentation made available to 3rd parties wishing to use the API. |
Bug Fixes and Optimisation
ID |
Area Affected |
Description |
D12925 |
GL Interface |
When using the Great Plains XML GL Interface some values which contained an empty value would cause an error when exporting journals. To be consistent with the functionality of this GL export, the words “No Account” will now be substituted for empty account values. |
D17359 |
OR Pick List |
When printing an Outlet Requisition (or) Pick List and selecting the Selected Categories option some Outlet Requisitions were incorrectly included in the output. This has now been resolved so the printed Pick Lists will reflect the selected categories. |
D17394 |
Requisitions |
When converting a Purchase Requisition to a Purchase Order it is possible to add items. When doing this and using the Search option to find a product, an exception was given. This has now been resolved so that the Search functionality behaves correctly when adding items. |
D17543 |
Recipes |
When scaling a recipe the sub recipes were scaled in whole units of the prepared quantity. Where the sub recipe had a larger prepared quantity than the main recipe this led to an over-production of the sub recipe which was left in inventory. The behaviour of this functionality has now been changed so that sub recipes will be scaled in decimal quantities to the exact amount required. |
D17885 |
Web Approvals |
When attempting to approve requisitions using the Web Approval Page, the page was inaccessible. This defect was introduced in release 4.6.73 and has now been rectified so the previous Web Approvals functionality has been restored. |
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