This article describes the process of creating an agency or contractor job title. The purpose of this is to be able to include such jobs within the rota and wage costs, but not attach them to Payroll, thus not adding National Insurance into the wage costs.
Creating an ‘Agency’ or ‘Contractor’ Job Title
The first stage in creating an agency or contractor job is to create the job title.
To do this, go to:
- HR > Company Admin > Job Titles > Create Job Title

- Select Yes for the Contractor / Agency job title setting, as seen in Fig.2
A tick box will display reading Exclude NI from Wage Cost.
- Select this box if required, as seen in Fig.2

- Select Next and assign the job title to the relevant Locations and Divisions, for example ‘Head Office’
- Select Save
Once the job title has been saved, this setting cannot then be changed.
Creating an ‘Agency/Contractor’ Employee
Once the agency/contractor job title has been created, it is now possible to create employees to attach to this job title.
To do this, go to:
- HR > Employees >Create New Employee
On the first page, it is essential at this stage to complete any mandatory fields in order to move to the next page.
It is suggested that the fields such as ‘First Name’ and ‘Surname’ are used to denote that this is to be used for agency or contractor employees and who the super user login is to apply to.
- Once the relevant fields have been completed, select Next
- Select the relevant Location and Division that the Agency/Contractor is assigned to
- Select Agency/Contractor from the drop-down Job Title list

Once the Agency/Contractor job title has been selected, a pop up message will be displayed explaining that the selected job title will not be attached to Payroll (see Fig.4).

- The Annual Salary field must have a figure in it, even though this job title is not being attached to Payroll, such as £0.01
- A Payment Method must also be inputted. If it is required that this cost is used within the wage costs, ensure that the salary is relative to the job that is being created
- If the job title is to include costs for an hourly paid member of team, change the Is Employee Paid By Rota setting to Yes and input the required hourly rate
- Select Next to continue
Within the 'Assign Access Levels' page, it is now possible to assign the relevant access level, if required.
- The Reports To field must also be correctly filled out if set as mandatory
- Once ready, select Next to finish the process
The job which has just been created will now be visible in the Employee List, and also will be available to schedule within the Rota module.

Please Note: When an employee has been created with this job title, if the employee is terminated, they cannot be rehired as they are associated with this job title.
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