This article contains an explanation of how to use the Salary Request Workflow functionality.
A Salary Request can be made for a Salary increase and a Location, Division or Job Title change.
If any of the menu items/drop-down menus cannot be seen, it will most likely be due to lack of permissions within the system. A system administrator will be able to assist with granting permissions where appropriate.
How to Set Up a Salary Request Workflow
One or more Salary Request Workflows can be set up for a portal.
- Go to HR Module > Company Admin > Salary Request Workflow

- Select the Job Title(s) and Location(s) for Salaried Employees to be covered by the workflow
- Set up the Workflow Stages, with Job Title(s) for Approver(s) for each stage
A Salary Request Workflow is structured as follows (see Fig.2)

Fig.2 - Salary Request Workflow & Salary Request users

Fig.4 - Setting up the Approval Stages of the Workflow
Managing Salary Requests
- Select Create A Salary Request in the Employment Details page

Fig.5 - The Create A Salary Request link
The Create A Salary Request link is shown below the Annual Salary box if at least one Salary Request workflow exists in the portal. In order for a request to be submitted successfully, a workflow has to exist for the Salaried Employee’s Location and Job Title (for the “New Location” and “New Job Title” in case any of these are changed).

Fig.6 - Completing & Submitting a Salary Request
- Users who approve, finalise or reject a Salary Request follow the steps as shown below in Fig.7

Fig.7 - Salary Request Steps
Request Notification / Accessing a Salary Request
Once a Salary request is submitted, an email notification is sent to any Approver whose Job Title is associated with the first Approval stage, and who has access to the Salaried Employee's current Location and Job title.
A link to the Salary Request is shown on the Approvers' HR Home page if the request has yet to be approved at their level or below.
Any user who is part of the workflow, and has the permission “View All Salary Requests” switched on, can view Salary requests for employees who they have access to in the system.
- These users use the Search Salary Requests function from the Employees menu to navigate to requests. The “Assigned To” column shows the name of the next Approval Stage

Fig.8 - Searching for Salary Requests
Steps for the Approver to follow
- Access an active request
- Add Comments
- Approve or Reject the request
Once an Approver has approved the request, the system sends an email to the Approver(s) at the next stage.

The last Approval stage is the finalisation of the request.
A notification will appear at the top of the request page stating that the employee’s Salary and / or Employment terms (i.e. Location, Division, Job Title) are being changed.
- The user can change Salary Amount and Effective Date before finalising the request
- The changes are completed by using the Finalise button (rather than a "Confirm" button)

Fig.10 - Finalising a Salary Request
The Requestor is informed via email when a Request has been finalised.
If the request is marked as Rejected, an email is triggered and sent to the Requestor and all earlier Approvers of the failed request.
An Approver at a higher Approval level is able to skip approval levels when approving or finalising a request. An employee at the 3rd Approval Stage, for instance, may finalise a request without the employees at the 1st and 2nd stage having approved the request.
Updates to Employment & Career History
Salary updates can be viewed in the Employee’s Employment History. It shows the user who finalised the request (in the "Changed By" column).

Fig.11 - Employee History
Location / Division / Job Title changes can also be viewed in the employee’s Career History.
Update to the Rota
Rotas are updated according to the same rules as when changes are made on the Employment Details page. This includes the recalculation of Salary costs on the Analysis page, and Location / Job Title changes on the Rota - from the “Effective Date” onwards and for open rotas only.
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