Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 |
Recipe videos can now be uploaded and viewed in RME |
Video Playback in Digital Recipe Viewer (StarChef Light) Tablet-friendly recipe videos |
'Recipe Usage in Menus 3' Report Refinement Sub-recipe ingredient scaling now shown in this report |
Release date for all features: January 21st 2025
Recipe Videos
- Enabled by default? - No
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - Yes
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
It is now possible to upload a video to a recipe record in RME. Videos can be viewed in the main RME application or the Digital Recipe Viewer (also known as StarChef Light) - see Feature 2.
Reason for the Change
To enhance training for chefs and front-of-house staff by providing a visual aid for recipe preparation instructions.
Customers Affected
Optional. Available to all customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
- To enable video functionality, please submit a request to Fourth's Support team
Once enabled, the Video tab will appear when viewing a recipe (see Fig.1).
Fig.1 - A recipe's 'Video' tab
To upload a video:
- Select the required Recipe and then Edit
- Go to the new Video tab and select Upload Video (Fig.2)
An upload pop-up will appear (Fig.2).
- Follow the steps to upload and save the video - a progress bar will indicate the upload status
Video uploads may take several minutes
Fig.2 - Uploading a video to a recipe
The video will then be displayed on the recipe's Video tab and can be played from there.
Fig.3 - Video uploaded and played back in the recipe's 'Video' tab
Constraints and Formats
- Only one video per recipe can be uploaded. To upload a different video, first delete the existing one from the Video tab (see Fig.4)
Fig.4 - Deleting an existing video
Video formats supported for upload:
- MP4
- MKV (WebM)
- Ogv
- MOV (QuickTime)
- 3GP
Video output format: MP4
Video file size limit: 3 GB
Video Playback Error
An error message may display (Fig.6) when attempting to play a video in RME. This can occur if your browser doesn't support that particular format.
- In this case, Download the video to view it externally
Fig.5 - 'Download' option when a video cannot be played
Video Playback in Digital Recipe Viewer (StarChef Light)
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
Recipe videos uploaded to the main RME application can be played in the Digital Recipe Viewer (StarChef Light).
Reason for the Change
To allow access to videos on mobile devices.
Customers Affected
All customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
Once uploaded to the main RME application, recipe videos can be viewed in RME's Digital Recipe Viewer image carousel.
If there are images as well as a video uploaded for a recipe, the video will be the last item in the image carousel.
Fig. 6 -Playing a recipe video in the Digital Recipe Viewer (StarChef Light), tablet view
Fig.7 - Image carousel, arrows to move to next image - the video will be the last one
Additional Resources
Recipe and Menu Engineering: Digital Recipe Cards User Guide
Recipe Usage in Menus 3 - Report Refinement
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
What's Changing?
In the report 'Recipe Usage in Menus 3', sub-recipe ingredient quantities will be scaled when the sub-recipe is included as a 'recipe within a recipe'.
Reason for the Change
Before this change, the sub-recipe ingredient quantities in the report were not scaled and were, instead, representative of the total amount required for the sub-recipe's total yield.
Customers Affected
All customers
Release Note Info/Steps
The example below in Fig.8 shows a sub-recipe with a total yield of 4 servings which will be used in a main recipe in the quantity '1 each'.
Fig.8 - Example sub-recipe
The main recipe 'Spice Poached Pears and Figs with Brandy Cream' is made up of three sub-recipes: 'Spiced Poached Pears and Figs Batch', 'Poaching Liquid Spiced', and 'Brandy Cream'.
Fig.9 shows how this example sub-recipe appears in the report 'Recipe Usage in Menus 3'.
Colours have been added to this report screenshot. Each sub-recipe's name is in a coloured cell, and each sub-recipe's ingredients are in cells with a border colour that matches the sub-recipe's name cell.
Note the quantity of the 'Pear Dessert - Per Kg' ingredient within the main recipe. It is '1 each'. The total batch yields '4 each' so the '1 each' of pear equates to one-quarter of the pears required for the total batch recipe ('Spiced Poached Pears and Figs Batch).
Fig.9 - Note: For ease of viewing, some of the report columns have been hidden in the image above
Reminder: 'Recipe Usage in Menus 3' is a 'menu report' so a recipe must be added to a menu for it to be included in the report.
At the time of publication of this release note, the 'sub-recipe ingredient costs' (Column N) are not scaled to represent the cost of the sub-recipe ingredient quantity that is in the main recipe. The refinement of these sub-recipe ingredient costs is currently in progress and is planned for release in Q1 2025.
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