This article shows how, once templates have been created, they can be edited, replaced or deleted in DocuSign.
Editing a Template
To edit a template in DocuSign, go to Templates >select a Template > Edit
Fig.1 - Editing a selected template
- If necessary, make changes to the Template name and description
- To edit the template itself, select Next (or, if only changing the name/description, select Save and Close)
- From the 'next' screen, the template can be edited in the same way that it was created, as explained in this article
Fig.2 - Document template name/description, 'Next' button
Replacing a Template
It may be necessary to amend the original Word document file used for the template. For example, if additional information needs collecting, or a change of wording is required for contracts.
It is possible to replace the template whilst maintaining all existing fields and mapping.
To replace a document within a template, go to Templates > select a Template > Edit
- Select the 3 dots at the side of an existing document
Fig.3 - '3 dots' button for a template document
Select Replace
Fig.4 - 'Replace' option
Browse for and select the document template that needs to be loaded and select Open
The document will then be replaced.
- To view the new template and to make sure all fields remain correctly aligned > select Next
- Scroll through the whole document, making sure to check the alignment of the fields
- Make any necessary amendments, or add new fields as when creating a new template, as explained in this article
- Once all fields have been checked, select Save and Close
Deleting a Template
If a document template needs to be removed from a template, it can be deleted.
To delete a document within a template in DocuSign, go to Templates >select a Template > Edit
- Select the 3 dots at the side of the document to delete
- Select Delete Document
Fig.5 - Deleting a document from a template
The Document will then be removed from the template
A template can be removed completely from the system if it is no longer needed.
To delete a template completely from DocuSign, go to Templates
Select the three dots against the template
Fig.6 - '3 dott' button for a template
- Then select Delete
Fig.7 - Deleting a template
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