In HotSchedules, users have the ability to add, edit, and delete ASC contacts. For more information on adding an ASC contact, go here.
Follow these steps to edit and delete Contacts in the ASC:
- Log into your HotSchedules ASC account and hover over the Configure tab. This will display an option that says Contacts along with any other permissions that may have been enabled for your account. To see all the contacts that have previously been created for your company, click this option.
- On this page you will see options to add and delete contacts. To remove a contact from this list, click the checkbox to the left of their name and select delete contact.
- To the far right of the contact name will be the action menu. Clicking this menu allows you to edit the contact, change the stores they are assigned to, or delete them from your contact list. To change details about a particular contact, select Edit.
- The edit page for a contact will look exactly like the page used when adding a contact, except the fields may already be filled out. All of these fields can be edited.
- Selecting Assign Stores from the actions menu or selecting Stores from the edit contact info will allow you to edit the stores that the contact has been assigned to.
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