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HS: Employee Hours Report



  • Laura Wilkes

    Is there an option to show this report by day instead of a cumulatively? 

    Thank you

  • Laura Wilkes

    Specifically the Actual/Scheduled option in the same way that the Scheduled and Actual reports print out.

  • Chris Sundgren

    Yes this report supports date ranges. The default is for the current business week but you can select to generate the report by picking desired dates. This is the case for Scheduled Hours, Actual Hours and Actual/Scheduled

  • Laura Wilkes


    Can you tell me how to access that? When we pull the reports the Actual/Scheduled only shows cumulative as seen in these examples..are we missing a step?

  • Chris Sundgren

    Hi Laura, take a look at the image. I set the date range to be Aug 22 to Aug 22 and then generated the report. As you see on the right side, the data is only for 8/22 and not the cumulative totals for the entire week.




  • Laura Wilkes


    My issue is that when you run the other two reports (Scheduled and/or Actual) you can use a range of dates and it generates a by day list, but when you run an Actual/Scheduled report it only allows you to see the total variance for that date range, so if we are trying to identify if an employee was late or absent for the last month, we cannot use the Actual/Scheduled report. Can the setting be turned on that allows that report to generate the same way the other two do?



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