When it comes to scheduling younger staff, the Scheduler in HotSchedules can automatically provide you with accurate labor warnings to prevent violations. You are able to configure Minor Rules that are unique to different states and/or provinces so that when managers at the store level are writing schedules, the Scheduler can provide more accurate labor warnings to prevent violations. In addition, when coupled with the School Calendars feature in the Staff tab, you have greater flexibility while adhering to labor laws when scheduling.
Minor Rules are found in the Above Store Console. Hover over the Configure tab, and select Minor Rules.

On the page that appears, name the rule. Then you’ll need to define the rules for each age range. Click Add Age Range Definition.

Here you’ll see any previously created rules, and you can edit or delete them, as needed.
To create a new Minor Rule, click Add Minor Rule.

First, define between which ages this rule applies.
Please note, that the second age cannot be smaller than the first; if it applies to just one age, type that age into both fields; and lastly, 18 years and older are not considered minors, and thus will not be accepted.
Then fill in the parameters for this minor rule, as needed. There are separate parameters for during the school year, and for when they’re on summer vacation.
When finished, click Save.

Add more age ranges, if needed.
You then need to assign these rules to the appropriate locations. Click Assign.
Check the boxes next to any option that is associated with this minor rule set, and Save when finished.

While creating their schedules, the scheduling managers in these locations will now be
automatically notified of any conflicts to these minor rules.

Pink shift guides will also display during times the employee is unavailable to work according to the minor rules. Hover over the pink shift guide to display the exact times the minor should not be scheduled.
- This will display on both the Add Shift modal and on SmartView.

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