This article is intended to support users interested in using Rota Metrics for their business. The information below details the requirements needed for a scoping session - please liaise with your Fourth contact for more information.
For information on preparing and uploading Metric files, please see WFM - Preparing and Uploading Metric Files to FTP.
Understanding Metrics
Metrics allow customers to provide key information to their users when managing Rotas. This allows for KPIs, including non-revenue generating factors, to support more accurate scheduling.
Types of Metrics
Non-Calculated Metrics
These Metrics are populated by the customer at any point in time, in a CSV format, and placed on the Fourth file server. Examples are Covers, Arrivals, Departures, Rooms Sold, Sleepers, etc.
Calculated Metrics
These are the calculation of built-in and non-calculated Metrics. They display an @ symbol on the Rota scheduling screen. Examples are Hours to Schedule, Cost per Cover, Spent per Head, etc.
Built-in Metrics
These are core system calculated value Metrics that can be used within calculated Metrics. Examples are for location and division: Actual Wage Cost and Hours, Approved Wage Cost and Hours.
Metric Constants
These are user-defined values that are fixed per location to assist in scheduling requirements. Examples are minutes required to clean a room per location, check-in times, etc.
Metric Guidelines
Considerations for using metrics:
Keep it simple - This is to ensure that rota performance is not affected. Limit the available Metrics per division to 12
KPIs - Key information is available to users to make informed decisions that are kept in one place
Common Metrics - Common Metrics can be used across departments for more insight into the business as a whole
Understand Your Audience - Metrics are used as a tool for supporting Heads of Departments (HODs) when scheduling future weeks
Sectional Revenue
Sectional Revenue is a core function and links with all the standard reports. It includes the following:
- Sectional Budgets can be entered manually or a chargeable upload via Fourth's data team is available
- Revenue data is available in Fourth Analytics standard reports
- However, Sectional Revenue Forecast and Actual data cannot be loaded or linked to a POS/PMS solution
- It has an inability to total multiple sections
Revenue via Metrics
Revenue via Metrics is a bespoke function and does not link in with standard reports.
- Budget, Forecast and Actual Revenue data can be loaded via FTP and depending on the third-party solution, can be linked to a POS/PMS solution
- Multiple revenue streams can be grouped for calculations
- However, Core Reports do not include Metrics
- Metrics data is not available in Fourth Analytics as standard due to bespoke configuration
Examples of Metrics
Below are a few examples of previous Metric projects.
Fig.1 - Example of non-calculated Metric for non-revenue driven Metric
Fig.2 - Example of calculated Metrics for revenue-driven Metrics
Scoping Requirements
Define Divisions
Understand the divisions that require metrics and if they are very similar to others. For example, non-revenue-generating divisions can use an aligned layout.
Fourth Analytics Reporting (if applicable)
Understanding additional reporting requirements is key. Standard Metric exports are available in the WFM Rota module.
Questions to Consider Prior to a scoping call
What are the drivers being used per division? E.g. housekeeping hours needed to schedule per arrivals and departures
Are you using excel or an external solution to generate these figures to populate your schedules?
What PMS solution(s) are you using?
Do you have examples of the key metrics you are looking to implement?
What reporting do different levels of the business need?
Please reach out to your Fourth Contact to book a scoping call.
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