If your company is using SCHEDULE you can request time off in two ways:
- Using SCHEDULE on the web
- Using the Mobile App
Note that your Manager must approve all time off requests.
To request time off on the web:
- Click WorkSpaces.
- Under your organization's name, click Employee.
- On the Home tab, you can click Time Off Requests or you can click the Schedule tab.
- On the Time Off Request form, complete the following fields:
- Choose the Unit or select All Units.
- If the request is for a whole day, leave the default box checked next to 'All day' and select your start and end dates.
- If the request is for a partial day, uncheck the checkbox next to 'All day' and select your date/time start and end dates.
- Add an optional Note for your manager.
- Click Submit.
To request Time Off using the Mobile App:
- Navigation Menu→ Schedule/Time Off.
- Click '+' in the upper right corner of the Time Off screen.
- If you work in more than one location, you will be asked to select a location.
- If the request is for a whole day, leave the default of 'All day' and select your start and end dates.
- If the request is for a partial day, turn off the 'All day' option, and select your date/time start and end dates.
- Add an optional Note for your manager.
- Click Send in the top right corner.
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