The Half Day Holiday Functionality is available to all HR & Payroll customers who use the Rota Module.
This article describes the process of using the Half Day Holiday functionality within HR, ESS, Day Content Page and the Weekly Attendance page, as well as showing how Half Day Holidays are calculated within Payroll.
To use the Half Day Holiday functionality, please contact Fourth who will arrange for it to be enabled.
Requesting a Half Day Holiday
HR Module
Employees can request a Half Day Holiday through the HR module and Employee Self-Service (ESS).
To request a Half Day Holiday through the HR Module:
- Go to HR Module > Self Administration > Holiday Requests
- Enter the Request Date From and Request Date To (these need to be the same date in order to book a half day)
- Tick the Half Day? box
- Select Save
Fig.1 - Holiday Request in HR Module
Employee Self-Service (ESS)
To request a Half Day Holiday through Employee Self-Service:
- Open the Fourth App > Employee Self Service > My Holidays
- Select the + at the top right-hand corner to add a new Holiday request
- Enter the From and To dates (these need to be the same date in order to book a half day)
- Tick the Half Day box
- Select Submit at the top right-hand corner
Fig.2 - Holiday Request in Employee Self Service
Once the Holiday has been authorised, it will display on the Rota for that day.
Day Content Page
When the Half Day Holiday functionality is enabled, the Day Content page within the Rota will have a new column with the heading ‘H’ (see Fig.3).
If a Holiday request has been previously created and authorised, this column will display with a tick and the box will be greyed out, as shown in Fig.3.
Fig.3 - New Half Day Holiday Column
To view the Day Content page:
- Go to Rotas > Rotas > View Rotas
- Search for and select the Rota
- Select the relevant Day
There is the ability to select a Shift Code within the Rota drop-down (see Fig.4) to allow for hours to be recorded for the Half Day which the employee is working.
- To add a shift, select the Shift Code drop-down menu
- Select the correct Shift Code (e.g. Half Shift/Half Day)
- Enter the Hours against the Shift Code
Fig.4 - Half Day Shift Code
Weekly Attendance Page
The Weekly Attendance page has been updated to include a ‘Half Day’, which will be located next to the coloured clock symbols for all employees with shifts and Half Day Holidays on the same day.
Fig.5 - 'Half Day' coloured clock symbols on the Weekly Attendance page
Main Rota Page
The main Rota Page has a column titled ‘H’ for Half Day Holidays. If an employee has a Half Day Holiday requested, an ‘H’ will appear under the new column for that employee (see Fig.6).
To view the Main Rota Page:
- Go to Rotas > Rotas > View Rotas
- Search for and select the Rota
Fig.6 – Main Rota Page
If an employee has an unauthorised Half Day Holiday and no shifts for the day, the ‘OFF’ Shift Code will be displayed in red (see Fig.7). If the Holiday has been authorised, it will display in grey (see Fig.8).
Fig.7 - Unauthorised Half Day holiday in Analysis Page
Fig.8 – Authorised Holiday in the Analysis Page
Any employees with Multiple Employments will have the ‘OFF’ Shift Code displaying on each row in the Analysis Page. The Main Employment will show in grey, and the Multiple Employment record will show in red.
Fig.9 - Multiple Employment Showing Half Day Holiday
If the user hovers the mouse over the Red ‘OFF’ Shift Code, a message will display explaining that the Half Day Holiday request is on the Main Employment record.
Fig.10 - Multiple Employment Information Box
When an employee has both a Half Day Holiday and shift on the same day, the Main Rota Page will display a greyed out Shift Code above the scheduled hours (see Fig.11).
Fig.11 – Main Rota Page Showing Shift and Half Day Holiday
Payroll Module
Salary Paid Employees
If Holidays are requested and not shown on the Payslip for Salaried Employees, there will be no changes to the Payslips when Half Day Holidays and shifts have been added to the Rotas.
If the Holidays are offset against salary on an Employee’s payslip, the Half Day will show as 0.5 of the Daily Rate. The offset of Holiday against the salary will remain the same.
Employees Paid by the Rota
Once the Rota containing the Half Day Holiday is submitted, the Holiday payment will feed through to the employee’s Payslip.
To view the employee’s Payslip:
- Go to Payroll > Pay Runs > Current Pay Run List > Select Pay Run
- Search for and select the Employee
- Select Payments
The Payment for Holiday will feed through as 0.5 of the Holiday Daily Rate (see Fig.12).
Fig.12 - Employee Payslip
Overtime Calculations
As with existing Overtime functionality, the Holiday hours will still be included when calculating the amount of Overtime due to be paid to employees.
For example, an employee works a total of 20 hours in a week and has a Half Day Holiday of 4 hours. This will constitute the employee ‘working’ a total of 24 hours for that week, and if they are only contracted to 20 hours per week, 4 hours of overtime will be calculated accordingly.
Export Updates
As part of the update, a number of exports have been amended to include Half Day Holiday and worked hours when scheduled for the same day.
Employees who work a shift and have a Half Day Holiday will have a duplicated column for that day. One column will display the hours, and the second column will display ‘Half’ to indicate the Half Day Holiday.
The exports which have been updated to include both shift and Half Day Holidays are:
Employee Hours Worked Export
To locate this export, go to Rotas > Reports > Exports > Employee Hours Worked
Payroll Hours Worked – Version 1
To locate this export, go to Rotas > Reports > Exports > Payroll Hours Worked – Version 1
Employee Hours Worked & Payroll Notes
To locate this export, go to Rotas > Reports > Exports > Employee Hours Worked & Payroll Notes
Rota Summary Report
To locate the report, go to Rotas > Reports > View Reports > Rota Summary
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