Within Global Settings, Default Employee Settings are displayed. These can be changed to suit the Company's requirements in terms of Recruitment Documents and Employee Details.
This article describes the process of editing these Employee Settings, as well as descriptions of each.
Setting Mandatory Employee Fields
Log into Fourth's People & Payroll solution and select the HR Module from the burger menu
Fig.1 - Module Menu
Select Global Settings from the Administration menu
Fig.2 - Administration Menu
Select Edit Default Employee Settings from the list of Global Settings displayed
Fig.3 - Edit Default Employee Settings
The section below gives brief descriptions of all the settings displayed within the Employee Settings list and their functions.
- Within the Employee’s Personal Details, selecting Proof of Eligibility is mandatory? will make selecting a Proof of Eligibility - e.g. Work Permit - mandatory upon Employee Creation
This will make selecting the Employee’s Manager for ‘Reporting To’ purposes mandatory
If not using the Tronc module, select Hide Tronc Rate from Employment Details Screen?
Select if an Email address or a mobile/home telephone number should be mandatory
If a Mobile or Home Telephone number has to be entered upon creating an employee, select Make Mobile OR Home Telephone Number Mandatory?
Fig.5 - POE Settings
Enter the standard Company Probation Period in Default Employee Probation Period?
Select if the Probation Period is to be in Months or Weeks. This will then appear automatically on each Employee’s Employment details page. Probation periods are not completed automatically, however, there is a quick update available
If all employees are to be made flexible if paid by the rota, select Force Employee to be Flexible if Paid by Rota, this will remove all part time options
Select to show all Salaried Staff in the Rota in either Hours or Shifts
For all employees to be set up as either Full Time or Flexible, select Hide Part-Time Option?
In order to show the Employment Source field in the Personal Details screen, select Show Source? This can be set up under the Admin drop-down menu, e.g. recommend a friend/newspaper advert
Fig.6 - Probation Period Settings
If using Proof of Eligibility linked to Nationality, select Show Nationality?
If not using Proof of Eligibility linked to Nationality, but still require this field to be displayed additionally in the Personal Details screen, select this option
If Marital Status is to be recorded as a mandatory field, do not select Hide Marital Status? The options are Single / Married / Divorced / Cohabitating / Widowed or Separated
If Company Policy states that employees can only be paid into a bank account set up in their same, select Ensure Employee surname in bank account name? and Auto populate bank account name with employee initial and surname?
If Contracted Hours are to be between 10-48 hours, select Validate Contracted Hours?
Should the company allow payment to Staff by cheque but only for a limited period, select Payment method help text for paying with cheque, e.g. Staff will only be paid by cheque for 3 months
Fig.7 - Nationality & POE Settings
If Proof of Eligibility is linked to the employee’s Nationality, select Assign proof of eligibility to nationalities
If the company requires an Employee to opt in or out of the 48 hour working week, select Display working time directive question
To require a Passport Number as Proof of Eligibility, set Display Passport Number to Optional
Select if Display Driving License Number should be shown as Mandatory or Hidden
If a Postcode is to be mandatory in all Employee files, select Make Postcode Mandatory
Select whether to Display Contracted Hours in the Employment Details page
When saving a Termination, if it is required that a pop-up will display asking to confirm the Termination, select Display Warning Message on Termination Screen?
Stop restricting Start Date and Termination date to 65 days from the current date is generally only used when existing clients are moving over to Fourth’s systems
Fig.8 - POE Details
If all absences are to appear on the Rota as ‘Absence’, rather than allowing Managers to enter alternative text, select Hide Absence Rota Text Comments?
For the Worker Registration Scheme details to be displayed for the Nationalities that it is applicable to, e.g. Hungarian, Slovenian, select Display Worker Registration Scheme
Enter the amount of Overtime Default Hours
To make it mandatory for Student Visa Documents to be seen, select Student Visa Documents seen mandatory
Select to hide the ‘Indefinite Leave’ tick box under Proof of Eligibility by ticking the Hide Indefinite Leave box
If the Banking Details are to be hidden, select Hide Banking Details from Employee Full Summary? and Hide Banking Details from New Starter Form? If required
To flag up if the member of staff is Living in, e.g. in a Hotel/Public House, select Show Live in Details
Fig.9 - Other Details
For all employees to be paid by the Rota, select Set Paid by Rota Value?
To overwrite all the Rota Paid Job Title Settings, select Set Hour Paid or Shift Paid Value
If there are some employees who can be paid by Shift and some which can be paid by Hours, do not select this option
For Full/Part-Time employees to have their Holiday manually inputted rather than calculated by the system, select Set Holiday Allowance Calculated Value. This function does not work for Flexible employee as their Holiday is automatically calculated by Fourth’s People & Payroll solution
To make the Pay Rate field mandatory in order for completion, select Pay Field to be Mandatory?
To automatically keep all Job Titles and Rates of Pay in new Locations which are set up on the portal, select Keep Employee Job Titles in All Locations? and Keep Same Rate for Same Job Title in All Locations?
If Holidays should be displayed in days for all Employees, select Show All Holiday in days?
Fig.10 - Paid by Rota & Holiday Settings
Select the Methods of Payment that should be available for selection in the Employment Details page
To ensure that when General Managers request a Salary increase for a member of staff, that this would then go to the Area Manager for approval, select Use Salary Request Workflow
Fig.11 - Payment Options
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