The Change
To enhance Version 5 of the Rota Analysis page we have introduced new functionality to accurately charge Salaried Multiple Employment costs to the correct division.Release Date: 05-Feb-2015
Reason for the Change
This change will provide customers with more accurate divisional costs on the rota.Customers Affected
All People System customers who use Version 5 of the Analysis Page.Release Notes
1. New Rota Global Setting
To enable this functionality there is a new global setting under: Rotas > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Default Rota Settings > Cross Charge Multiple Employment.
Fig 1 - New Global Setting
2. Analysis Page – Location Level
The location level analysis page will show the managers lent and borrowed figures for employees who have worked multiple employment(s) across multiple divisions as well as those who work across multiple locations.
Fig 2 - Analysis Page – Location Level
3. Analysis Page - Division Level
The division level analysis page will correctly show the managers lent and borrowed figures for employees who have worked multiple employment(s) across multiple divisions and/or locations.
Fig 3- Analysis Page - Division Level
4. Analysis Page - Employee Level
The employee level analysis page will show the managers lent and borrowed figures for employees who have worked multiple employment(s) across multiple divisions and/or locations.
Fig 4 - Analysis Page - Employee Level
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