This article describes what checks are needed if the data is not loaded front end when loading budgets and wage targets through the FTP.
For the Wage Target % template, and the Budget Weekly and Daily templates, please see the bottom of this article here.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t know where to drop the file
The username and password will have been provided for ftp from an internal contact at Fourth and this will contain the details. If you are not sure where these are, please reach out to the Technical Support Team who can help to locate the correct folder. If you no longer have the ftp details, these will need to be reset and can be requested through our Technical Support Team.
The correct folder will be named "ImportLive".
I have dropped the file but it hasn’t disappeared
Please allow 20 minutes for this file to disappear. If it still has not disappeared, delete the file by right-clicking on the file and selecting Delete.
Re-try dropping the file in again after conducting the below checks within the Budgets and Wage Targets files. If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our Technical Support Team who can attempt the process.
This may also be because the file was not dropped into the correct folder - which is named "ImportLive".
The file has disappeared but I cannot see the data on the system
Ensure that all the below checks have been followed.
I have made all the checks, I still cannot see my data
Check that the Location which has the data loaded for has been configured correctly. To do so:
- Go to the Configuration section of the course and Setting Up Rota Start Day and Week 1 Date for more advice on the process
For some new Locations, the Wage Target Percentage page has to sometimes be saved. To check this process, go to:
- Rota > Admin > Configure Locations – Choose Location > Edit Wage Target Percentage > Save
Checks on Budget File:
- The file name should be prefixed with ‘Budget’, e.g. ‘budget_customername’
- Remove spaces in the name of the file, e.g. ‘BudgetCustomer’, ‘Budget_2811’, ‘Budget1’
- The Stock Site Code/Location Code must be present in the file and on the portal, with no duplicates
- For Weekly Sales upload, the frequency must be W
- For Daily Sales upload, the frequency must be D
- The Start Date should always be in format DD-MMM-YY
- Remove commas and spaces from the files
- The figures within the days/weeks should always be formatted to 2 decimal places and have separators and £ symbols removed
- The file should always be CSV (comma delimited)
Checks on Wage Target file:
- The file name should be prefixed with ‘WageTarget’
- Remove spaces in the name, e.g. ‘WageTargetCustomer’, ‘WageTargetcustomer’, ‘WageTarget_2811’, ‘WageTarget1’
- The Stock Site Code must be present in the file
- The Division name must be present
- The Value type must be left blank
- The Start Date should always be in format DD-MMM-YY
- Remove commas from the files
- The figures within the weeks should always be formatted to 2 decimal places and have separators removed
- The figure within the weeks usually has a % sign in the file which will need to be removed. To do this, go to: Find and Replace > "%" to be replaced with nothing, not even a space > Highlight all percentage figures > Format Cells > Number (2 Decimals)
- The file should always be CSV (comma delimited)
I have made all the above checks, and there is still no data showing
Please check with the Company's IT Department or Network Provider that there is no software blocking the submission of these files.
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