Allocating Employee Tronc Rates
From the left side menu, go to Tronc > Employees > Employee Rate
or - From the Tronc homepage, use the Employee Rate quick link
Fig.1 - Ways of selecting 'Employee Rate'
- From the next screen, use the Location, Division, Job Title or employee Surname drop-downs and Search for the required employee
Fig.2 - Tronc search screen
Search results will be displayed onscreen.
- To apply the same Tronc Rate to all the employees returned in the search, enter the Rate in the Apply Rate to All field and select Apply Rate
Fig.3 - Applying a Tronc Rate to all employees from search results
- To amend Tronc Rates on an individual basis, simply type in the new rate in the Tronc Rate field for the employee(s) and select Save
Fig.4 - Amending a Tronc Rate for an individual employee
Allocating Funds to Employees
A Tronc fund will only be created once the correct number of rotas have been submitted to payroll.
- From the Tronc module homepage select the relevant Open Tronc Fund
Fig.5 - Selecting an open Tronc fund
Below (Fig.6) is a simple example of a Tronc Fund Allocation (fields in boxes can be edited, grey fields are automatically populated).
- Carried From Previous - any amounts not distributed in the previous fund will carry over and be detailed here
- Share Per Fund £ (Totals) - enter the total amount of Tronc available for distribution. This will populate the 'Share Per' individual fund once the percentage has been entered
- Share Per Fund % - enter the percentage of the total available that should be distributed. For example, a FOH fund may be due 60% of the total amount and a BOH fund 40%
- Fund Deductions - if anything needs to be deducted from a fund, enter the amount here
- Available for Employees - will automatically populate based on the percentage of the total Tronc amount allocated to the fund minus any deductions
- Actual Funds Distributed - enter the total amount of Tronc to be distributed to employees
From 1st October 2024, it is unlawful to make any deductions from employee's tips, other than PAYE
- Once the Fund Allocation information has been entered, select Next
Fig.6 - Tronc Fund Allocation
The next screen is Fund Administration.
- Select the relevant Fund from the drop-down
Fig.7 - Tronc Period Selection
Once selected, the Tronc Period information will be displayed.
- Required for 100% - this is the amount of tronc needed if each employee was to receive 100% of their tronc rate per hour
- Tronc Percentage - this is the percentage of tronc rate each employee will receive - it will auto-populate based on what is entered in the Tronc Paid Out field (see next bullet)
- Tronc paid Out - enter the amount of Tronc that needs to be paid out here. Note that the amount may change slightly to accommodate an equal share, which may leave a small amount remaining due to rounding
Fig.8 - Tronc Period - entering Tronc 'Percentage' and 'Paid Out' values
The bottom half of the page contains a list of all employees eligible to receive Tronc (see Fig.9).
The information displayed includes:
- Employee Name - the multiple employment icon will appear if hours are scheduled within a multiple employment record
- Omit - to remove the employee from the distribution for the current fund only, tick this box
- Hours worked - hours scheduled for the employee will feed through automatically once the schedule has been submitted
- Tronc Rate - the pre-assigned tronc rate is shown here. It can be amended by overwriting the amount shown if needed
- Extra/Deduction - enter any additions/deductions to/from the individual employee's Tronc allocation
- Total - the total amount of tronc distributed to the employee
Fig.9 - Eligible employees, Tronc distribution
Once the Tronc allocation has been checked, the period needs to be closed and submitted to payroll.
- To do this, select Close Period and then Save
Fig.10 - Close Period
Editing an Employee's Tronc Distribution
With certain permissions, it is possible to amend the number of Hours Worked for an employee. This will then have a bearing on their Tronc distribution.
- Select Edit Week Breakdown from the top of the page
Fig.11 - Edit Week breakdown
- To amend the hours worked, overwrite the hours in the Hour(s) box next to the employee's name and then select Save
Fig.12 - Amend Hours Worked
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