The Changes
We are planning to take live a number of updates to the new Full Time Equivalent functionality. Please note: these changes are relevant to the new FTE functionality only.
These updates are listed and detailed below:
1. FTE Entry Page:- A dialogue box will notify the user on the effect of the changes and will prompt them to confirm whether they would like to proceed or not.
- Employee FTE values will be updated automatically in real time when an FTE value change is made at location or job title level.
- The current Career History record line will be ended when an FTE update is carried out. A new entry will then be created with the date that the FTE update is carried out; this new entry will have no end date until such a time when it is superseded by a further entry or the employee is terminated.
- The new FTE information will be added to the relevant FTE columns. The other employment information will remain the same as the previous record.
- The system creates entries for each FTE entry showing the old and new FTE values.
Release Date: 08-Aug-2013
Reason for The Change
Bug fix to correct an issue whereby after editing the FTE information on the location or job title level, the system would not update individual employee records with the new FTE values resulting in incorrect holiday values / FTE values feeding through to the Rota.
Other planned enhancements were added with this fix.
Customers Affected
All People System customers who have the new FTE Functionality enabled.
Release Notes
1. Changes to FTE Entry Page
Location Level
FTE Values may be updated at Location level. This change affects employees on that specific job title at the selected location.
Fig 1 - Updating FTE by Values at Location Level
- Follow the path: Company Admin > Job Title > Select a Job Title > Click the ‘Edit Holiday Settings’ button > Click the ‘Edit Default Working Times By Location’ link.
- In the example above the values will be updated for the job title ‘Bar Staff’ for all employees at the ‘Fourth 1’ location.
Fig 2 - Updated FTE Settings
- After making changes as in Fig 2 above click the ‘Save’ button.
- The system presents with the confirmation dialogue in Fig 3 below.
Fig 3 - Updated FTE Settings Confirmation Dialogue Box – Location Level
- Click ‘OK’ to proceed or ‘Cancel’ to abort the change.
- After clicking OK the Employee & Career History of all Bar Staff employees at the Fourth 1 location is updated.
Job Title Level
FTE Values may also be updated at Job Title level. This change affects employees on that specific job title at all locations.
Fig 4 - Updating FTE by Values at Job Title Level
- Follow the path: Company Admin > Job Title > Select a Job Title > Click the ‘Edit Holiday Settings’ button.
- In the example above the values will be updated for the job title ‘Bar Staff’ for all locations.
Fig 5 - Updated FTE Values
- After making changes as in Fig 5 above click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the section.
- The system presents with the confirmation dialogue in Fig 6 below.
Fig 6 - Updated FTE Settings Confirmation Dialogue Box – Job Title Level
- Click ‘OK’ to proceed or ‘Cancel’ to abort the change.
- After clicking OK the Employee & Career History of all Bar Staff employees is updated.
2. Career History Changes
Screen Changes
- Fig 7 & Fig 8 shows the Career History page for portals that do not have the new FTE functionality enabled and those that do.
Fig 7 - Career History Page - FTE Functionality Not Enabled
Fig 8 - Career History Page - FTE Functionality Enabled
FTE Field Definitions
Fig 9 - FTE Career History Fields
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
FTE Days | Integer | The number of full time days an employee is supposed to work in a week. |
FTE Shifts | Integer | The number of full time shifts an employee is supposed to work in a week. |
FTE Hours | Integer | The number of full time hours an employee is supposed to work in a week. |
Functionality Changes
The functionality of the Career History page has been updated to create records when and FTE update is carried out.
Fig 10 - Updated Career History
- Fig 10 is based on the example used in Location Level & Job Title Level.
- The current career record is ended on the date that the FTE update was carried out.
- A new entry will then be created with the date that the FTE update is carried out; this new entry will have no end date until such a time when it is superseded by a further entry or the employee is terminated.
- The new FTE information is added to the relevant FTE columns.
- The other employment information remains the same as the previous record.
3. Employee History Changes
Fig 11 - Employee History Showing FTE Updates
- Fig 11 is based on the example used in Location Level & Job Title Level.
- The system creates entries for each FTE entry showing the old and new FTE values after the FTE update was carried out.
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