Northern Ireland Flexible Holiday |
Flexible employees at Northern Ireland locations can now have their holiday pay calculated using a 12-week period |
Release date: November 21st 2024
- Available by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - Yes
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
What's Changing?
A new global setting has been introduced, allowing locations to use the 12-week holiday pay calculation for flexible employees in Northern Ireland (instead of 52 weeks - used by the rest of the UK).
Reason for the Change
Flexible employees in Northern Ireland must have their holiday calculated over 12 weeks. The HR module can now adhere to this legal requirement.
Customers Affected
All customers using the HR module.
Release Note Info/Steps
Northern Ireland flexible holiday is calculated the same way as the rest of the UK, but using 12 weeks (using a maximum of 24 weeks to get 12 weeks) instead of 52 weeks (using a maximum of 104 weeks to get 52 weeks).
It is also understood that the 'Casual' employment type is not used in Northern Ireland. Even if enabled, 'Casual' will not be available for selection as an employment type at Northern Ireland locations.
Important: Before setting a location as 'Northern Ireland' and enabling the new global setting, any 'Casual' employees must be changed to a different employment type.
Northern Ireland Location Setting
- First, ensure that all Northern Ireland locations are set accordingly - follow the guidance in this recent release note
Global Setting
- Go to HR > Administration > Global Settings > Edit Default Holiday Settings > Holiday Calculations
- Scroll down to the 'Flexible Staff' section and enable Default Employees at Northern Ireland Locations to use the 12 Week Holiday Calculation
- Then select Save
Fig.1 - Northern Ireland 12 Week Holiday Calculation Setting
Northern Ireland locations will immediately use 12 weeks, rather than 52 weeks, to calculate their employees' holiday pay.
The 12 weeks of data used to calculate holiday pay for Northern Ireland employees can be found by going to:
- HR > Employees > Employee List > find and select the Employee > Employee HR Info > Holidays
- Then select the symbol next to 'Avg Hours/Week'
Fig.2 - Flexible Holiday Rota Details button
A pop-up window will then display all the worked weeks used to calculate holiday pay, to a maximum of 12 weeks
Fig.3 - Flexible Holiday Rota Details page
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