MacromatiX Mobile allows users to set a PIN to log in and out on their mobile device quickly and easily with the keypad feature. Users can then choose to 'lock' MacromatiX and quickly return to the screen using a PIN.
Best practices for using a PIN for MacromatiX are:
- Setting a PIN is optional.
- A PIN must have 4 numbers only.
- Each user should still have their own login and password.
- If a new user is given a temporary password, they should change it immediately so it is private and secure, then set a PIN.
How to create a PIN
Select the arrow on the Profile icon (Fig.1)
Fig.1 How to access Profile settings
- Select the My Account option (Fig.2)
Fig.2 My Account option
- To set a PIN, select ON and a pop-up will appear (Fig.3)
Fig.3 To set a PIN select ON
- On the Set PIN pop-up, enter in your current password, then enter a new 4 digit PIN and confirm it. Select SAVE (Fig.4)
Fig.4 Enter a PIN and SAVE
How to use a PIN to lock MX
Select the arrow on the Profile icon (Fig.5)
Fig.5 How to access Profile settings
- Select the Lock option (Fig.6) and MacromatiX will now lock the page
Fig.6 Select Lock
- To log in to MX, enter the PIN into the MacromatiX log in PIN screen (Fig.7) When the correct PIN is entered, MX will automatically open
Fig.7 Enter a PIN
If a user wants to use their Username and Password to log in, they can select the Profile icon or the Not You? link to access the traditional MacromatiX mobile login page (Fig.8)
Fig.8 Options to return to other MX login screen
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Take a look at our other articles for MacromatiX Mobile Inventory:
- MacromatiX: Mobile Workflow
- MacromatiX: Mobile Waste - Recording Waste
- MacromatiX: Mobile Transfers - Approving Transfers
Talk to your MacromatiX account manager or send us an email if you are interested in learning more about our MX Masterclass sessions for Restaurant Users, Area Managers, Franchisee's or Head Office Administrators.
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