Select the release feature from the table below to be taken directly to that section of the release note.
Feature 1 |
Feature 2 |
Bulk Edit Alternate Ingredients Alternate ingredients will now be returned in search results and be editable in the 'Bulk Edit Ingredients' workflow |
Alternate Ingredient 'Variable Weighted' Value Inherited from Parent When the global setting 'variable weighted read-only for live ingredients' is enabled and when a new alternate ingredient is created, the alternate's 'variable weighted' tick box will be populated from the parent 'variable weighted' tick box value |
Release date for all features: September 19th 2023
Bulk Edit Alternate Ingredients
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - No
- Roles affected: - Ingredient Data Managers
What's Changing?
Alternate ingredients will now be returned in search results and be editable in the 'Bulk Edit Ingredients' workflow.
Reason for the Change
To increase efficiency for manual data management
Customers Affected
All customers using the 'Bulk Edit Ingredients' workflow and 'Alternate Ingredients'
Release Note Info/Steps
Bulk Edit Ingredients functionality is located within Admin > Tools.
Changes to the existing Bulk Edit Ingredients functionality to support alternate ingredients are detailed below.
Please note that the display of alternate ingredients in the 'Bulk Edit Ingredients' screens varies between the different UI colour schemes (called 'Theme' in Group Details configuration).
Screen 1: Search criteria is specified
Keyword search: Search results will include parent and alternate ingredients if the ingredient name, product name, supplier code or product key match the keyword.
Fig. 1 - Searching by keyword will look for matches on both alternate and parent ingredients
Screen 2: Search Results are Displayed for Selection
When an alternate ingredient matches the search results and its parent does not match the search result, the parent ingredient and all of the linked alternates will be displayed in the search results.
- Parent ingredient row - all fields will be in standard (not italicised) font
- Alternate ingredient row - For the UI colour schemes (which are specified in Group Details as 'Theme') 'Default' (blue) and 'R9' (grey), all fields are also in standard font and aligned with the parent ingredient. Alternate ingredient name (in search results) will first display the alternate ingredient product name, then in italics will be the parent ingredient name
Fig. 2 - R9 Theme: In search results, Alternate ingredient names also display the parent ingredient name in brackets rows. Alternates are displayed under their linked parent ingredient.
- Alternate ingredient row - For the UI 'Green' colour scheme, all fields will be in italics. The row will be slightly indented under the parent ingredient
- All rows - Ingredient name and product name will be underlined. When an underlined name is selected, a pop-up will display additional ingredient information
Only selected rows will be displayed on the next screen. For example, if only an alternate ingredient is selected, only the alternate will be displayed on Screen 3. For the 'Green' theme, parent and alternate ingredients can be discerned by the use of non-italic font (parent) or italic font (alternate). For R9 and Default themes, parent and alternate ingredients are in standard font and can be discerned by the fields that are editable (see Screen 3 below for details).
Screen 3: Edit Ingredient Fields
In the list below, the asterisk (*) indicates a field that is editable for both parent and alternate ingredients on Screen 3.
When the row contains an alternate ingredient, these fields will be editable:
*Product name
*First date available to order
*Supplier Order UoM -
When the row contains a parent ingredient, these fields will be editable:
Ingredient name
*Product name
Short Name
Label Description
Internal Code
*First date available to order
*Supplier Order UoM
Fig. 3 - On Screen 3, Product Name, Supplier Order UoM, Date First Available to Order can be edited for alternate ingredients. All fields on Screen 3 can be edited for parent ingredients. (R9 theme is displayed here)
Screen 4: Add categories or update flags for all selected ingredients
Categories and flags selected here will apply to parent ingredients only. Alternate ingredients will not be impacted because most categories and all 'flags' are applied at parent ingredient level only.
Reminder: In the category selection drop-down list, 'SMART' categories are indicated with the text (SMART) displayed after their name in the list.
Fig. 4 - On screen 4, SMART categories are indicated in the drop-down selection list
Ingredients 'in approval' workflow
Ingredients in approval will not be returned in search results for bulk edit ingredients. This applies whether it is the parent ingredient or the alternate in approval.
Alternate Ingredient 'Variable Weighted' Value Inherited from Parent
- Enabled by default? - Yes
- Set up by customer admin? - No
- Enable via support ticket? - No
- Affects configuration or data? - Yes
- Roles affected: - Ingredient Data Managers
What's Changing?
When the global setting variable weighted read-only for live ingredients is enabled, the 'variable weighted' value (Yes/No) for alternate ingredients will be populated from the parent 'variable weighted' value and the alternate's 'variable weighted' field will be hidden on the Alternate Ingredient screen.
Fig. 5 - Variable Weighted tick box for parent ingredient
Reason for the Change
To increase data alignment between RME and Inventory applications.
Customers Affected
All customers with the global setting enabled. Relevant primarily for Inventory customers.
Release Note Info/Steps
If the global setting mentioned above is enabled, the 'variable weighted' tick box will not be visible on the alternate ingredient screen. The alternate ingredient's 'variable weighted' value will be determined by its parent ingredient's value.
New Terms/Acronyms
Not a new term, just a reminder: 'Variable Weighted' is the RME name for a 'catch weight' ingredient that is typically ordered in an 'each' unit of measure and invoiced in a different unit of measure, usually weight.
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