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Showing Trans Fatty Acids in Star Chef Light



  • Alison Fraser

    Hi @Ryan Ruppenthal​ 


    Unfortunately StarChef light is not configured to show scientific nutritional information, rather just the standard nutritional information. The Trans fatty acid elements fall into scientific nutritional information therefore are not picked up by the style sheet for StarChef light so it is not possible for this to be configured to display.





  • Ryan Ruppenthal

    Alison are there any plans for this to be updated at some point? It would seem to me that enabling the alternate nutrition views would make sense. For instance we use Extended nutrition here as its the only view that shows everything required in the US. Unfortunately not being able to see some of those nutrition views is counter productive to our use of starchef light

  • Alison Fraser

    Hi Ryan,


    There are no short term plans (next quarter) to enable the alternate nutritional views on StarChef light. However I would suggest that this is raised with @Jeremy VanDyke​ In order to bring to the attention of the product team so that potential options can be reviewed and feedback provided.






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